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Tag: Federal Communications Commission


Access Now: Congress is broken but the internet works

18 May 2017
Press Release
Access Now: Congress is broken but the internet works
18 May 2017
Access Now: Congress is broken but the internet works

Access Now: Chairman Pai’s plan is a U-turn for the internet

26 Apr 2017

In the U.S. and around the world, Net Neutrality is essential for a free and open internet. So why is the U.S. going backwards?

Press Release
Access Now: Chairman Pai’s plan is a U-turn for the internet
26 Apr 2017
Access Now: Chairman Pai’s plan is a U-turn for the internet

Access Now condemns U.S. Congressional vote to gut internet privacy

28 Mar 2017

Repeal of broadband privacy rules puts special interests ahead of the rights of individuals, and should earn a presidential veto — not applause.

Press Release
Access Now condemns U.S. Congressional vote to gut internet privacy
28 Mar 2017
Access Now condemns U.S. Congressional vote to gut internet privacy

Access Now condemns U.S. Senate measure to gut internet privacy

23 Mar 2017

A measure to roll back broadband privacy rules put corporations ahead of consumers. Lawmakers must reject it.

Press Release
Access Now condemns U.S. Senate measure to gut internet privacy
23 Mar 2017
Access Now condemns U.S. Senate measure to gut internet privacy

Access Now: Internet users deserve privacy. The U.S. Senate shouldn’t sell it away.

7 Mar 2017

The U.S. FCC broadband privacy rule was a historic victory for internet users. Repealing it would create a privacy “black hole.”

Press Release
Access Now: Internet users deserve privacy. The U.S. Senate shouldn’t sell it away.
7 Mar 2017
Access Now: Internet users deserve privacy. The U.S. Senate shouldn’t sell it away.
U.S. Congressional briefing

U.S. broadband privacy rules grant users control, meaningful rights protections

7 Nov 2016

What they signal: Your privacy matters

U.S. broadband privacy rules grant users control, meaningful rights protections
7 Nov 2016
U.S. broadband privacy rules grant users control, meaningful rights protections