Tag: FCC

Demand U.S. FCC & Congress expand broadband and Lifeline access during COVID-19 crisis
Join us in demanding that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and Congressional leadership expand internet and phone access for those who need it most.

Disconnected: FCC proposals to reform Lifeline will hurt low-income consumers
The agency should reject changes to Lifeline that would burden low-income people and put their privacy at risk.

2020 is an important year for digital rights in the U.S. Here’s our agenda.
Here are the opportunities for promoting and protecting digital rights that the U.S. policy team will focus on in the year ahead.

FCC Urged To Collect Better Information About Broadband Deployment, Price

U.S. ruling on Net Neutrality means that states have to step up for a free and open internet
The court setback for federal rules on Net Neutrality won’t stop the states from defending the free and open internet.

Didn’t get the memo on Net Neutrality in the U.S.? Here you go.
Your guide to what’s happening in the U.S. battle to save Net Neutrality, the principles that keep the internet open and free.

Pressing ever forward for Net Neutrality
In the wake of the U.S. FCC vote to kill Net Neutrality, we’re not giving up — and neither should you.

The world responds to the U.S. FCC vote against Net Neutrality
Repeal is an attack on human rights in the U.S. and around the world.

Access Now condemns U.S. plan to repeal Net Neutrality rules
Repealing the rules would make the U.S. a global outlier on innovation and free expression.

This is a battle for the future of the internet
Take action now by sending your strong support for Net Neutrality to the FCC.