Tag: FCC

To protect digital rights, Biden-Harris administration must reflect diversity of the American experience
The incoming Biden-Harris administration must ensure agency hires hail from diverse backgrounds and prioritize civil rights and technology equities.

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee
Action Alert: Trump is trying to appoint one of the worst, most dangerous FCC commissioners the United States has ever seen to gut protections for free speech online, and Mitch McConnell is speeding the Senate toward his confirmation.

Stop Trump’s pro-censorship FCC nominee
Action Alert: Trump is trying to appoint one of the worst, most dangerous FCC commissioners the United States has ever seen to gut protections for free speech online, and Mitch McConnell is speeding the Senate toward his confirmation.

Trump’s FCC pick says he won’t recuse himself from Section 230 vote

U.S. FCC continues to pretend its net neutrality repeal is harmless
The U.S. FCC will vote on an order upholding its rights-harming decision to repeal net neutrality protections.

New Bill Aims to Rein In the President’s Power to Order Internet Blackouts

Civil society urges U.S. FCC to protect privacy
Access Now joined public interest partners in calling on the FCC to uphold Customer Proprietary Network Information privacy protections.

The FCC is examining whether to roll back Section 230 laws that protect social media firms, drawing fire for being Trump’s ‘puppet’

Democracy in demise: Trump Administration puppet Ajit Pai says FCC will interpret Section 230
Access Now strongly condemns the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s decision to interpret Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Closing the digital divide: new bill can get Indigenous populations online
Access Now endorses the Extending Tribal Broadband Priority Act of 2020, legislation that would require the Federal Communications Commission to create additional time for Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations to apply for spectrum licenses.