Tag: false news

Special Cybercrime Bill in Nicaragua moves oppression online
In Nicaragua, a cybercrime bill with a broad scope, ambiguous terms, and disproportionate punishment for the crimes it creates — such as spreading “fake news” — represents a new attempt by the government to control and prosecute dissidents.

Ethiopia’s hate speech and disinformation law: the pros, the cons, and a mystery
The government has made online hate speech an easy scapegoat for violence that may have deeper causes, while pushing through new legislation that increases its power to censor.

Malaysia’s dangerous “fake news” law is still on the books. It must be repealed.
This law is part of a global trend that harms free expression and threatens democratic discourse. We’re urging Malaysia to re-table the legislation for repeal.

Fake comments by real soldiers: South Korean scandals through a digital rights lens
In South Korea, troll armies have spurred political scandals. The response must protect free expression and democratic discourse.

Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria
Six weeks away from RightsCon, we highlight the vital work that our community members are doing to defend and extend human rights in the digital age.