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Tag: Fake News

Brazil: “fake news” proposals add uncertainty to institutional crisis

27 Apr 2018

Brazil joins the list of countries debating regulations to eliminate “fake news.” Dangerous proposals to censor online expression come at a terrible moment for Brazil’s democracy.

Brazil: “fake news” proposals add uncertainty to institutional crisis
27 Apr 2018
Brazil: “fake news” proposals add uncertainty to institutional crisis
Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang

EU “fake news” strategy needs to be based on real evidence, not assumptions

26 Apr 2018

We urge the European Commission not to rush into taking binding measures regarding “fake news” or “online disinformation” but rather, to take the expertise of civil liberties and digital rights experts into account.

Press Release
EU “fake news” strategy needs to be based on real evidence, not assumptions
26 Apr 2018
EU “fake news” strategy needs to be based on real evidence, not assumptions

Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria

29 Mar 2018

Six weeks away from RightsCon, we highlight the vital work that our community members are doing to defend and extend human rights in the digital age.

Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria
29 Mar 2018
Community voices: Ahmad Primo combats false news and disinformation coming out of Syria

Access Now responds to Special Rapporteur Kaye on “Content Regulation in the Digital Age”

11 Jan 2018

Governments are coercing private internet intermediaries to police and regulate online content. Here’s how companies can meet their obligation to respect human rights.

Access Now responds to Special Rapporteur Kaye on “Content Regulation in the Digital Age”
11 Jan 2018
Access Now responds to Special Rapporteur Kaye on “Content Regulation in the Digital Age”

Saving our agnostic internet, part I: censorship and free expression

29 Nov 2017

Governments globally are pushing companies to “do more” to address harmful speech online. Any approach must bolster, not undermine, human rights.

Saving our agnostic internet, part I: censorship and free expression
29 Nov 2017
Saving our agnostic internet, part I: censorship and free expression

First 100 Days of human rights violations

28 Apr 2017

The first 100 days of the Trump administration have been a disaster for privacy and free expression, with consequences for people all across the globe. Here’s how we’re fighting back.

First 100 Days of human rights violations
28 Apr 2017
First 100 Days of human rights violations

Frequently Asked Questions: “Fake News”

3 Feb 2017

Watch out: claims of “fake news” can be used to censor speech.

Frequently Asked Questions: “Fake News”
3 Feb 2017
Frequently Asked Questions: “Fake News”