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Tag: Fake News


Tunisia: President must scrap decree-law undermining free expression and the press

21 Sep 2022

Civil society condemn the new decree-law 54 in in Tunisia and urge the President to withdraw it in order to uphold freedom of expression and press freedom.

Press Release
Tunisia: President must scrap decree-law undermining free expression and the press
21 Sep 2022
Tunisia: President must scrap decree-law undermining free expression and the press
Access Now condena el llamado de AMLO a cortar el financiamiento de Artículo 19

Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism 

28 Jul 2021
Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism 
28 Jul 2021
Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism 
India fake news

In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy

26 Jul 2021

As parliaments across Asia convene, governments continue pushing deeply flawed laws and policies, while relegating digital rights to the sidelines. Here’s what’s happening in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, and why members of parliament must take action to protect our rights before any more damage is done.  

In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy
26 Jul 2021
In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy

End the wave of digital censorship in India

10 Jun 2021

Access Now, Article 19, Reporters Without Borders, and 11 other organizations are calling on authorities and technology companies in India to stop the tide of digital censorship.

Press Release
End the wave of digital censorship in India
10 Jun 2021
End the wave of digital censorship in India

Laos social media task force: Will it target ‘fake news’ or censor online criticism?

10 Jun 2021
Laos social media task force: Will it target ‘fake news’ or censor online criticism?
10 Jun 2021
Laos social media task force: Will it target ‘fake news’ or censor online criticism?
India fake news

Civil society to Malaysian government: abandon all attempts to throttle online free speech

10 Jun 2021

Access Now joined is demanding the Malaysian government abandon all attempts to throttle freedom of expression online, and overturn any plans to reinforce previous administrations’ archaic censorship laws.

Press Release
Civil society to Malaysian government: abandon all attempts to throttle online free speech
10 Jun 2021
Civil society to Malaysian government: abandon all attempts to throttle online free speech

Laos directs surveillance of social media platforms, further throttling expression online

25 May 2021

Access Now is joining six organizations in calling on the Lao government to stop online surveillance and mandatory registration of social media platforms.

Press Release
Laos directs surveillance of social media platforms, further throttling expression online
25 May 2021
Laos directs surveillance of social media platforms, further throttling expression online

Disinformation Defense during the 2020 U.S. Election

22 Oct 2020

Fighting disinformation in the U.S. is more important now than ever. Check out our guide on how to spot it, and what to do.

Disinformation Defense during the 2020 U.S. Election
22 Oct 2020
Disinformation Defense during the 2020 U.S. Election

Entidades da sociedade civil citam violações de direitos no PL das Fake News

29 Jul 2020
Entidades da sociedade civil citam violações de direitos no PL das Fake News
29 Jul 2020
Entidades da sociedade civil citam violações de direitos no PL das Fake News

Brazil: Fighting “fake news” shouldn’t violate privacy

28 Jul 2020

The debate on the #PLFakeNews bill in Brazil has now moved to the Chamber of Deputies. Ask elected officials to remove provisions regarding account identification and message traceability.

Brazil: Fighting “fake news” shouldn’t violate privacy
28 Jul 2020
Brazil: Fighting “fake news” shouldn’t violate privacy