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Tag: facial recognition

Indian state to test facial recognition in polls as privacy fears mount

22 Jan 2020
Indian state to test facial recognition in polls as privacy fears mount
22 Jan 2020
Indian state to test facial recognition in polls as privacy fears mount

Activists rally against ‘illegal’ surveillance of CAA protests

31 Dec 2019
Activists rally against ‘illegal’ surveillance of CAA protests
31 Dec 2019
Activists rally against ‘illegal’ surveillance of CAA protests

In the EU, facial recognition in schools gets an F in data protection

10 Dec 2019

No matter what new technology is deployed, the EU and its member states must implement and uphold the GDPR.

In the EU, facial recognition in schools gets an F in data protection
10 Dec 2019
In the EU, facial recognition in schools gets an F in data protection
NSO Group human rights

Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach

18 Nov 2019

The impact that surveillance technology has had on vulnerable individuals and members of at-risk communities demonstrates why comprehensive, systemic regulation of this industry is both necessary and urgent.

Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach
18 Nov 2019
Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach

Cámaras con reconocimiento facial en Lima

14 Nov 2019

Tres distritos de la capital han comenzado a implementar cámaras con reconocimiento facial sin consultar a la población ni brindar mayor información. Los riesgos de esta tecnología devigilancia masiva son preocupantes, por ello junto a Hiperderecho hemos presentado pedidos a la información pública.

Cámaras con reconocimiento facial en Lima
14 Nov 2019
Cámaras con reconocimiento facial en Lima

Sistema de reconocimiento biométrico en Córdoba, Argentina: pedido de acceso a la información pública

13 Nov 2019

El Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba hizo pública una prueba experimental de un sistema de vigilancia con reconocimiento biométrico que ya está siendo implementado. Debido a la falta de transparencia y de información sobre ese sistema, la ONG de derechos humanos Access Now presentó un pedido de acceso a la información pública.

Press Release
Sistema de reconocimiento biométrico en Córdoba, Argentina: pedido de acceso a la información pública
13 Nov 2019
Sistema de reconocimiento biométrico en Córdoba, Argentina: pedido de acceso a la información pública

India’s facial recognition plans anger privacy campaigners

29 Sep 2019
India’s facial recognition plans anger privacy campaigners
29 Sep 2019
India’s facial recognition plans anger privacy campaigners

Access Now announces 2018 Villains of Human Rights

19 Jul 2019

Our Villain Awards aim to shine light on the impact that the decisions of those in powerful positions can have on ordinary people, naming those who have had an especially harmful impact on human rights, and in particular on privacy and secure communications. 

Press Release
Access Now announces 2018 Villains of Human Rights
19 Jul 2019
Access Now announces 2018 Villains of Human Rights

Honoring Fred Korematsu: Why data protection matters for marginalized communities

6 Feb 2019

Korematsu resisted internment under a U.S. WWII policy targeting Japanese Americans, many of whom were identified through census data. We support a bill to honor his legacy.

Honoring Fred Korematsu: Why data protection matters for marginalized communities
6 Feb 2019
Honoring Fred Korematsu: Why data protection matters for marginalized communities
United Nations Human Rights Concil

Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights

23 Aug 2018

We identify six areas for digital rights in which the new U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights could have a key and definitive voice during her tenure.

Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights
23 Aug 2018
Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights