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Tag: facial recognition


Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸

23 Feb 2021

Sign this European Citizens’ Initiative to urge EU lawmakers to put a stop to harmful, discriminatory biometric mass surveillance practices.

Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
23 Feb 2021
Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
Algorithmic accountability

The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

17 Feb 2021

Artificial intelligence and automated decision-making systems threaten our fundamental rights. Yet the EU is considering an approach to AI regulation that would substitute rights-based protections for a mere risk mitigation exercise by corporations with a vested interest in these systems. Here’s why that’s a grave mistake.

The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks
17 Feb 2021
The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban

17 Feb 2021

Access Now, EDRi, and the Reclaim Your Face coalition are calling for a Europe-wide ban on the use of dangerous facial recognition technologies. Sign the petition today!

Press Release
Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban
17 Feb 2021
Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban
Algorithmic accountability

Facial recognition: Don’t use it to snoop on how staff are feeling, says watchdog

28 Jan 2021
Facial recognition: Don’t use it to snoop on how staff are feeling, says watchdog
28 Jan 2021
Facial recognition: Don’t use it to snoop on how staff are feeling, says watchdog
Digital rights

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

25 Jan 2021

The latest U.N. privacy resolution does not go far enough, missing the opportunity to respond firmly to the human rights threats posed by systemic racism, artificial intelligence, facial recognition technology, and other key technological and social developments.

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more
25 Jan 2021
To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

Indian City Deploys Facial Recognition To Detect Harassed Women’s Expressions

22 Jan 2021
Indian City Deploys Facial Recognition To Detect Harassed Women’s Expressions
22 Jan 2021
Indian City Deploys Facial Recognition To Detect Harassed Women’s Expressions

Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy

20 Jan 2021

On the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration, Access Now launches a new online tool to track how well the incoming administration addresses key digital rights issues, including data protection, net neutrality, disinformation, and facial recognition.

Press Release
Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy
20 Jan 2021
Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy
Reconocimiento facial

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

16 Dec 2020

Buenos Aires, Brasilia, and Uruguay are pushing for use of facial recognition systems for “public security,” seeking to authorize the invasive and harmful use of mass surveillance tools. Civil society must fight back.

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official
16 Dec 2020
Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

#NosVenLaCara: La Municipalidad de La Victoria en Lima tiene que proteger nuestros datos biométricos

16 Oct 2020
Press Release
#NosVenLaCara: La Municipalidad de La Victoria en Lima tiene que proteger nuestros datos biométricos
16 Oct 2020
#NosVenLaCara: La Municipalidad de La Victoria en Lima tiene que proteger nuestros datos biométricos
|Reconocimiento facial

Te vieron la cara: los riesgos del reconocimiento facial

3 Aug 2020
Te vieron la cara: los riesgos del reconocimiento facial
3 Aug 2020
Te vieron la cara: los riesgos del reconocimiento facial