Tag: facial recognition

Facial-recognition technology gets a smack in the chops from civil rights campaigners

RightsCon checklist: 15 ways to save the internet and protect democracy
Speaking at a panel discussion at RightsCon, Access Now’s Brett Solomon outlined 15 things governments can do to make sure technology is used to defend — not destroy— democracy and human rights. Read the checklist and watch the full session on YouTube.

Europe’s AI rules open door to mass use of facial recognition, critics warn

Ban Biometric Surveillance
More than 175 civil society organizations and experts around the world have already signed the open letter calling on decision makers to stand up against rights-abusing uses of biometric surveillance technologies. Will you join us to #BanBS?

Ban biometric surveillance: civil society demands outright prohibitions on public and private use
Ban biometric surveillance! Access Now and over 150 civil society actors across the globe are calling for a ban on biometric surveillance.

Face biometrics systems shut down in Washington, DC and São Paulo, Brazil

Q&A: What’s the point of automated gender recognition software?

Privacy win for 350,000 people in São Paulo: court blocks facial recognition cameras in metro


Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation
Automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation is scientifically flawed and puts LGBT+ lives at risk. The European Union has the opportunity to ban this technology and prevent such tools from being exported around the world. Sign now!