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Tag: Facebook


Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights

24 May 2022

We urge Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon shareholders to support greater accountability for the companies’ human rights impacts.

Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights
24 May 2022
Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights
Content removal

Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia

26 Apr 2022
Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia
26 Apr 2022
Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia
India fake news

Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked

21 Apr 2022

Access Now is calling on Vietnam’s government to immediately revoke the new social media take-down rules.

Press Release
Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked
21 Apr 2022
Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked
Protest and human rights

Social media companies must take urgent action to protect Libyan human rights defenders

22 Mar 2022

Access Now joins a coalition of human rights organizations in calling on social media companies to ensure the protection of human rights defenders in Libya.

Press Release
Social media companies must take urgent action to protect Libyan human rights defenders
22 Mar 2022
Social media companies must take urgent action to protect Libyan human rights defenders
Breton's blocking statement

Facebook’s ‘double standard’ on hate speech against Russians

17 Mar 2022
Facebook’s ‘double standard’ on hate speech against Russians
17 Mar 2022
Facebook’s ‘double standard’ on hate speech against Russians
EU Ukraine

Putin’s war in Ukraine shatters Silicon Valley’s neutrality myth

8 Mar 2022
Putin’s war in Ukraine shatters Silicon Valley’s neutrality myth
8 Mar 2022
Putin’s war in Ukraine shatters Silicon Valley’s neutrality myth

Unconstitutional Texas social media bill attacks human rights

1 Dec 2021

Access Now opposes the U.S state of Texas’ social media bill that undermines First Amendment protections and attacks human rights.

Press Release
Unconstitutional Texas social media bill attacks human rights
1 Dec 2021
Unconstitutional Texas social media bill attacks human rights
Personal data protection and privacy

Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model

3 Nov 2021

Big Tech’s extractive, manipulative business model violates our privacy, fuels discrimination, and puts people’s lives at risk. It’s time for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to step in and shut it down with strong data protection rules. Sign the petition today!

Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model
3 Nov 2021
Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model

What you need to know about the Facebook Papers

26 Oct 2021

The Facebook Papers paint a grim picture of how Facebook has repeatedly and knowingly prioritized profit over people’s safety. Here’s a snapshot of what we know so far.

What you need to know about the Facebook Papers
26 Oct 2021
What you need to know about the Facebook Papers

Another whistleblower shows Facebook needs regulation

22 Oct 2021

A second Facebook whistleblower came forward with allegations that the company prioritizes profits over people. Enough is enough. Facebook needs to be regulated.

Press Release
Another whistleblower shows Facebook needs regulation
22 Oct 2021
Another whistleblower shows Facebook needs regulation