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Tag: Europol

WannaCry shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense

16 May 2017

Attacks like WannaCry have a devastating impact on vulnerable people and communities around the world. Here’s what we can do to prevent them.

WannaCry shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense
16 May 2017
WannaCry shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense

Europol supports encryption. We can relax now… right?

7 Jul 2016

Even if the tide is turning with regard to banning encryption, Europol may seek other “practical solutions” that increase its authority to access individuals’ private information and put our digital security at risk.

Europol supports encryption. We can relax now… right?
7 Jul 2016
Europol supports encryption. We can relax now… right?

Europol’s Internet Referral Unit risks harming rights and feeding extremism

17 Jun 2016

Tasking private, third-party actors with policing expression online may do more harm than good.

Europol’s Internet Referral Unit risks harming rights and feeding extremism
17 Jun 2016
Europol’s Internet Referral Unit risks harming rights and feeding extremism