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Tag: European Union

AI Act

Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal

14 Dec 2023

The E.U. just agreed to (not quite a) deal on the AI Act. But what’s in it? What’s missing? And what happens now?

Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal
14 Dec 2023
Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal
surveillance tech at the EU borders

Civil society joint statement: Europe’s (digital) borders must fall

4 Dec 2023

Civil society is calling for an end to the expansion of EURODAC, the EU database for the registration of asxylum-seekers. EURODAC is being transformed into an expansive, violent surveillance tool that will treat people seeking protection as crime suspects.

Press Release
Civil society joint statement: Europe’s (digital) borders must fall
4 Dec 2023
Civil society joint statement: Europe’s (digital) borders must fall
Image: AI's human rights impact

Open letter: Council of the E.U. risks failing human rights in the AI Act 

28 Nov 2023

Ahead of the next AI Act trilogue, the we urge the Council of the European Union to effectively regulate the use of AI systems by law enforcement, migration control and national security authorities throughout Europe.

Press Release
Open letter: Council of the E.U. risks failing human rights in the AI Act 
28 Nov 2023
Open letter: Council of the E.U. risks failing human rights in the AI Act 
Image: AI's human rights impact

Open letter: European Parliament must stand strong on AI Act fundamental rights protections 

22 Oct 2023

The European Parliament must uphold vital fundamental rights protections within the E.U. AI Act to regulate the use of AI in law enforcement, migration, and national security.

Press Release
Open letter: European Parliament must stand strong on AI Act fundamental rights protections 
22 Oct 2023
Open letter: European Parliament must stand strong on AI Act fundamental rights protections 
Telecoms and Internet Connectivity Gaza

Precise interpretation of the DSA matters especially when people’s lives are at risk in Gaza and Israel

18 Oct 2023

The Digital Service Act (DSA) must not be exploited in times of conflict or crisis. The E.U. must respect due process when enforcing the DSA during ongoing armed conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Precise interpretation of the DSA matters especially when people’s lives are at risk in Gaza and Israel
18 Oct 2023
Precise interpretation of the DSA matters especially when people’s lives are at risk in Gaza and Israel
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable

Fundamental rights impact assessments are key for effective DSA enforcement 

18 Sep 2023

Under the EU DSA, companies designated as VLOPs or VLOSEs must assess fundamental rights risks stemming from their services. Access Now and ECNL have published a new policy paper to support enforcement of this requirement.

Fundamental rights impact assessments are key for effective DSA enforcement 
18 Sep 2023
Fundamental rights impact assessments are key for effective DSA enforcement 
AI Act

Joint statement: EU legislators must close dangerous loophole in AI Act

7 Sep 2023

Big Tech has lobbied to introduce a major loophole to the EU AI Act’s high-risk classification process. We call on EU legislators to maintain a high level of protection in the AI Act. 

Press Release
Joint statement: EU legislators must close dangerous loophole in AI Act
7 Sep 2023
Joint statement: EU legislators must close dangerous loophole in AI Act
Indonesia MR5 Amicus Brief

VLOPs or flops: Is Big Tech dodging accountability in the EU?

4 May 2023

The EU asked tech companies to share their user numbers in order to see who qualifies as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the Digital Services Act (DSA) rules. But the numbers don’t add up.

VLOPs or flops: Is Big Tech dodging accountability in the EU?
4 May 2023
VLOPs or flops: Is Big Tech dodging accountability in the EU?
Guide: How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)

How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)

26 Apr 2023

If you are in the EU, here are the simple three steps to opt out from TikTok’s targeted ads.

How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)
26 Apr 2023
How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)
Press under Attack – Digital Strategies to Intimidate Journalists in Latin America

Is the EU protecting people from Pegasus spyware?

17 Jan 2023

Spyware like Pegasus threatens human rights and democracy. The EU must act to protect people from the harmful impact of such surveillance tools.

Is the EU protecting people from Pegasus spyware?
17 Jan 2023
Is the EU protecting people from Pegasus spyware?