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Tag: European Parliament

LIBE Series 5: The “policy of empty seats” shakes Members of European Parliament

7 Oct 2013

During the 5th hearing of Civil Liberties (LIBE) committee inquiry on massive electronic surveillance held on October 3rd, members of the European Parliament have condemned the “deplorable conduct” of the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) after their chief Sir Iain Lobban declined the invitation to collaborate to the investigations.

LIBE Series 5: The “policy of empty seats” shakes Members of European Parliament
7 Oct 2013
LIBE Series 5: The “policy of empty seats” shakes Members of European Parliament

LIBE Series 3: MEPs call for suspension of the counter terrorism cooperation with the US ally

26 Sep 2013

The 3rd hearing of the LIBE inquiry into massive electronic surveillance, held on September 24. MEPs called on the Commission to suspend the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme (TFTP), an agreement that allows for transfer of bank data (from the SWIFT database) to the US authorities for the fight against terrorism and terrorist financing.

LIBE Series 3: MEPs call for suspension of the counter terrorism cooperation with the US ally
26 Sep 2013
LIBE Series 3: MEPs call for suspension of the counter terrorism cooperation with the US ally

Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality

17 Sep 2013

Last Thursday, after two years of delay, the European Commission published a proposal for the Regulation of the Telecom Single Market that promises Net Neutrality but delivers just the opposite.

Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality
17 Sep 2013
Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality

Leaked draft legislation reveals EU telecom regulations lack promised network neutrality provisions

1 Aug 2013

More disappointing news from the Commissioner for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes is spreading around Brussels. Contrary to previous statements made by the Commissioner, there are no clear network neutrality provisions contained in forthcoming Regulation for the Telecom Single Market, according to a leaked draft recently published by European Digital Rights (EDRi).

Leaked draft legislation reveals EU telecom regulations lack promised network neutrality provisions
1 Aug 2013
Leaked draft legislation reveals EU telecom regulations lack promised network neutrality provisions

Kroes sidesteps net neutrality at Access event

6 Jun 2013

A week after Commissioner for Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes requested that the European Parliament help save European citizens’ “right to access the open internet by guaranteeing net neutrality” in a speech on May 30 in Brussels, Kroes avoided language that would have directly supporting net neutrality while speaking at a panel event organized by Access at the European Parliament.

Kroes sidesteps net neutrality at Access event
6 Jun 2013
Kroes sidesteps net neutrality at Access event

Latin American Civil Liberties groups urge MEPs to protect privacy

28 May 2013

Today, civil liberties groups from across Latin America sent a letter to the European Parliament, urging the lead Committee working on the Data Protection Regulation to protect the privacy of citzens in the EU and around the world.

Latin American Civil Liberties groups urge MEPs to protect privacy
28 May 2013
Latin American Civil Liberties groups urge MEPs to protect privacy

Access joins coalition for EU Naked Citizens campaign

25 Apr 2013

Today a coalition of civil rights groups warned that citizens could be stripped of their right to privacy by dangerous EU Parliament proposals. The coalition — including Access, EDRi, Privacy International, Bits of Freedom, Panoptykon, La Quadrature du Net, Open Rights Group and Digitale Gesellschaft — released a report detailing the most dangerous amendments to the Data Protection Regulation and a website, where citizens can take direct action to contact Members of the European Parliament to demand that they protect their fundamental rights.

Press Release
Access joins coalition for EU Naked Citizens campaign
25 Apr 2013
Access joins coalition for EU Naked Citizens campaign

EU Parliament says no to EU PNR system

24 Apr 2013

The European Parliament took a stand for fundamental rights when the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) rejected a privacy-invasive European Commission proposal to allow the use of air travel Passenger Name Record (PNR) data.

EU Parliament says no to EU PNR system
24 Apr 2013
EU Parliament says no to EU PNR system

European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy

27 Feb 2013

The Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) Committee of the European Parliament recently voted through its Opinion on the Data Protection Regulation, sending a clear message to European citizens that a majority of the Committee believes the interests of large corporations should trump the protection of their fundamental right to privacy.

European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy
27 Feb 2013
European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy

Privacy under siege: Unprecedented lobby efforts against the Regulation are revealed

26 Feb 2013

As the European Parliament debates new data protection reforms,US technology companies have arrived in Brussels to commence an unprecedented lobbying effort aimed at preventing strong regulation and weakening existing standards. Most troublingly, some of the draft legislative proposals have been copied and pasted directly from lobbying documents, evidence of the immense influence of US giants like Google and Amazon on European policy.

Privacy under siege: Unprecedented lobby efforts against the Regulation are revealed
26 Feb 2013
Privacy under siege: Unprecedented lobby efforts against the Regulation are revealed