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Tag: European Parliament


Third European vote on the telecom single market – one more step towards net neutrality

23 Jan 2014

Today, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee of the European Parliament voted on the Telecom Single Market proposal, which includes provisions putting net neutrality at stake in Europe.

Third European vote on the telecom single market – one more step towards net neutrality
23 Jan 2014
Third European vote on the telecom single market – one more step towards net neutrality

EP Inquiry presents its “plan for the future” to protect EU citizens against mass-surveillance

22 Jan 2014

On February 9th, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) presented its long-awaited draft report on the impact of mass surveillance programmes on the rights of European citizens.

EP Inquiry presents its “plan for the future” to protect EU citizens against mass-surveillance
22 Jan 2014
EP Inquiry presents its “plan for the future” to protect EU citizens against mass-surveillance

First two votes on net neutrality: some sweet, some sour – we’ve got a long road ahead

21 Jan 2014

The Culture and Education (CULT) and Legal Affairs (JURI) Committees of the European Parliament voted today on the European Telecom Single Market proposal, tabled in September 2013 by the Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes. The proposed Regulation, which principally aims at completing a “European Single Market for electronic communications and achieving a Connected Continent” includes provisions putting network neutrality at stake.

First two votes on net neutrality: some sweet, some sour – we’ve got a long road ahead
21 Jan 2014
First two votes on net neutrality: some sweet, some sour – we’ve got a long road ahead

LIBE Series 12 and 13: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 1

17 Dec 2013

In the 12th and 13th hearings held by the committee for civil liberties (LIBE), Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) presented their first conclusions and working documents after having conducted eleven inquiry meetings on the mass-surveillance programmes. The LIBE committee will then use theses conclusions and documents as basis to put forward recommendations aimed at preventing further violations of fundamental rights, and ensuring credible, high-level protection of EU citizens’ personal data via adequate means, in particular the adoption of a fully-fledged data protection package.

LIBE Series 12 and 13: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 1
17 Dec 2013
LIBE Series 12 and 13: Conclusions of the European Parliament on mass-surveillance programs – Part 1

Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation

11 Dec 2013

With the European Parliamentary elections in May rapidly approaching, the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on a single market for electronic communications is on the fast track. The Regulation, which will be binding on all 28 member states, includes rules on net neutrality, however, they suffer from several dangerous loopholes. Problematically, given the current legislative timeline, fundamental rights concerns may not be given sufficient attention.

Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation
11 Dec 2013
Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation

Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights

10 Dec 2013

On the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the celebration of UN Human Rights day, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon the importance of privacy and data protection as key pillars of healthy societies.

Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights
10 Dec 2013
Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights

LIBE Series 7, 8 and 9: Violation of law, mass surveillance in the EU and the Freedom Act

13 Nov 2013

In the 7th, 8th and 9th hearings held by the LIBE committee, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) focussed on violation of law, IntCen and mass surveillance in EU member states and the Freedom act respectively.

LIBE Series 7, 8 and 9: Violation of law, mass surveillance in the EU and the Freedom Act
13 Nov 2013
LIBE Series 7, 8 and 9: Violation of law, mass surveillance in the EU and the Freedom Act

Breaking: Members of the European Parliament call for the suspension of the Swift Agreement

24 Oct 2013

Yesterday, the European Parliament passed a Resolution calling for the suspension of a counter-terrorism agreement with the U.S., following recent allegations that the U.S. has breached the privacy safeguards of the agreement, and in doing so, the privacy of millions of E.U.’s citizens.

Breaking: Members of the European Parliament call for the suspension of the Swift Agreement
24 Oct 2013
Breaking: Members of the European Parliament call for the suspension of the Swift Agreement

European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation: major losses obscure other gains

21 Oct 2013
European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation: major losses obscure other gains
21 Oct 2013
European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation: major losses obscure other gains

LIBE Series 6: Safe Harbour under scrutiny by the European Parliament

16 Oct 2013

In the 6th hearing held by the committee, the MEPs focused on the all-important Safe Harbour provisions, investigating whether personal data of E.U. citizens transferred to U.S. under the arrangements had received adequate legal protection.

LIBE Series 6: Safe Harbour under scrutiny by the European Parliament
16 Oct 2013
LIBE Series 6: Safe Harbour under scrutiny by the European Parliament