Tag: European Court of Human Rights

Telegram vs Russia: Access Now tells the European Court of Human Rights why encryption must be protected
In a joint submission to the ECtHR on the Telegram vs Russia case, Access Now explains why encryption must be protected.

New EU dual use export control rules finally adopted, but leave a lot of room for improvement
After years of review, the EU Parliament finally adopted new export controls for dual use tools enabling surveillance and censorship. But it’s not enough.

Russia throttled Twitter to censor content — Here’s what happens next

EU Court of Human Rights Declares Order to Remove Anti-Censorship Tool Advice Illegal

Website blocking in Russia goes to the European Court of Human Rights. Access Now intervenes.
Our intervention in Kharitonov v. Russia asserts that any website blocking, throttling, or other disruption must strictly comply with human rights law.

EDRi and Access Now withdraw from EU Commission discussions
The European Commission has announced an ill-considered “code of conduct” for countering hate speech online.

Access Now to human rights court: GCHQ surveillance violates human rights
Access Now has intervened in a case before the European Court of Human Rights, detailing how the surveillance conducted by the British intelligence agency GCHQ violates international human rights law and policy.