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Tag: EU-US Privacy Shield

Biden signs Executive Order for EU-US data transfer deal: privacy and surveillance reforms missing

7 Oct 2022

The Executive Order for a new EU-US data transfer deal is not sufficient to protect privacy and reform disproportionate US surveillance programmes.

Press Release
Biden signs Executive Order for EU-US data transfer deal: privacy and surveillance reforms missing
7 Oct 2022
Biden signs Executive Order for EU-US data transfer deal: privacy and surveillance reforms missing

E.U.-U.S. data flow deal possible? Third time won’t be the charm without U.S. surveillance reform

15 Jun 2021

Before any E.U.-U.S. data flow deal can be considered, U.S. data access and surveillance practices must be reformed.

Press Release
E.U.-U.S. data flow deal possible? Third time won’t be the charm without U.S. surveillance reform
15 Jun 2021
E.U.-U.S. data flow deal possible? Third time won’t be the charm without U.S. surveillance reform
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Tech’s long COVID-19: What privacy battles will define 2021?

31 Dec 2020
Tech’s long COVID-19: What privacy battles will define 2021?
31 Dec 2020
Tech’s long COVID-19: What privacy battles will define 2021?

Future EU-US data transfers? EU must push back on the US’s surveillance game

1 Oct 2020

Access Now and the American Civil Liberties Union are calling on the European Commission to press the United States to reform its surveillance laws, so that any future instrument for EU-US data transfers complies with EU law and withstands judicial scrutiny. 

Press Release
Future EU-US data transfers? EU must push back on the US’s surveillance game
1 Oct 2020
Future EU-US data transfers? EU must push back on the US’s surveillance game

Privacy Shield Is Gone – What Now!?

30 Jul 2020
Privacy Shield Is Gone – What Now!?
30 Jul 2020
Privacy Shield Is Gone – What Now!?

US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court

16 Jul 2020
US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court
16 Jul 2020
US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court

US-EU Privacy Shield data-sharing pact invalidated over surveillance fears

16 Jul 2020
US-EU Privacy Shield data-sharing pact invalidated over surveillance fears
16 Jul 2020
US-EU Privacy Shield data-sharing pact invalidated over surveillance fears

In a victory for privacy, the EU Court of Justice bins EU-US Privacy Shield

16 Jul 2020

Today, in a landmark decision, the Court of Justice of the European Union struck down the EU-US Privacy Shield as it fails to protect people’s rights to privacy, data protection and access to remedy. 

Press Release
In a victory for privacy, the EU Court of Justice bins EU-US Privacy Shield
16 Jul 2020
In a victory for privacy, the EU Court of Justice bins EU-US Privacy Shield

Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield

9 Jul 2020

Update: The Court of Justice of the European Union will deliver its judgement on the “Schrems II” case. While the case deals with larger EU-US data transfer questions, it could lead to the invalidation of the Privacy Shield.

Press Release
Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield
9 Jul 2020
Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield

Groundhog Day for Privacy Shield Review

24 Sep 2019
Groundhog Day for Privacy Shield Review
24 Sep 2019
Groundhog Day for Privacy Shield Review