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Tag: EU Telecoms Single Market Regulation

Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet

8 Sep 2015

On Tuesday 22 September, Access will hold an apéro on the Future of the Internet where our Brussels team and civil society representatives will meet with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their staff.

Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet
8 Sep 2015
Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet

Major uncertainties remain as EU takes timid steps towards Net Neutrality

15 Jul 2015

On July 3rd, after more than ten hours of discussion, the three major EU institutions — the Commission, Parliament and Council — reached a political agreement on the text of the Telecoms Single Market (TSM) Regulation, a contentious piece of EU legislation that includes continent-wide provisions on Net Neutrality. Today, the Industry Committee of the European Parliament has formally approved this text.

Major uncertainties remain as EU takes timid steps towards Net Neutrality
15 Jul 2015
Major uncertainties remain as EU takes timid steps towards Net Neutrality

EU decides to both protect and undermine net neutrality

30 Jun 2015

Three major EU institutions — the Commission, Parliament and Council — agreed to move forward a draft text for the Telecoms Single Market Regulation.

Press Release
EU decides to both protect and undermine net neutrality
30 Jun 2015
EU decides to both protect and undermine net neutrality

UPDATED: One week to save Net Neutrality in Europe

30 Jun 2015

UPDATE: Late in the evening on Monday, June 29, three EU government institutions struck an agreement on the Telecoms Single Market Regulation. The current text both protects and undermines Net Neutrality. Here’s what you need to know.

UPDATED: One week to save Net Neutrality in Europe
30 Jun 2015
UPDATED: One week to save Net Neutrality in Europe

Net Neutrality – building on success

1 Jun 2015

Tomorrow, the European Parliament will decide whether or not it supports a proposal for anti-Net Neutrality legislation advanced by the representatives of the EU member states (“the Council of the EU”).

Net Neutrality – building on success
1 Jun 2015
Net Neutrality – building on success

Urgent – EU member states are pressuring the European Parliament to sell out on Net Neutrality

27 May 2015

As negotiations on the Telecoms Single Market (TSM) near conclusion in the EU, the Parliament may break its promise to deliver Net Neutrality.

Urgent – EU member states are pressuring the European Parliament to sell out on Net Neutrality
27 May 2015
Urgent – EU member states are pressuring the European Parliament to sell out on Net Neutrality

Latest Net Neutrality proposal in the EU: a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

4 Mar 2015

Today, 28 member states of the European Union presented a joint proposal on the Telecoms Single Market — legislation that will determine whether Net Neutrality will become a reality throughout Europe. The proposal officially triggered the start of joint negotiations between the EU Commission, the EU Parliament, and the Council of the EU to produce a final text.

Latest Net Neutrality proposal in the EU: a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
4 Mar 2015
Latest Net Neutrality proposal in the EU: a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Fourth vote on the telecom single market: a strong call for net neutrality in Europe

13 Feb 2014

Access welcomes yesterday’s vote in the LIBE Committee, which addressed several of the problematic provisions and proved its commitment to protecting the internet as a platform for free expression and innovation.

Fourth vote on the telecom single market: a strong call for net neutrality in Europe
13 Feb 2014
Fourth vote on the telecom single market: a strong call for net neutrality in Europe

Third European vote on the telecom single market – one more step towards net neutrality

23 Jan 2014

Today, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee of the European Parliament voted on the Telecom Single Market proposal, which includes provisions putting net neutrality at stake in Europe.

Third European vote on the telecom single market – one more step towards net neutrality
23 Jan 2014
Third European vote on the telecom single market – one more step towards net neutrality

Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation

11 Dec 2013

With the European Parliamentary elections in May rapidly approaching, the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on a single market for electronic communications is on the fast track. The Regulation, which will be binding on all 28 member states, includes rules on net neutrality, however, they suffer from several dangerous loopholes. Problematically, given the current legislative timeline, fundamental rights concerns may not be given sufficient attention.

Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation
11 Dec 2013
Net neutrality in the EU: Update and state of play on TSM Regulation