Tag: EU Telecoms Single Market Regulation
Access Now testimony to Althingi on the Telecoms Single Market Regulation
Internet wins! Net Neutrality solidified across the EU
Today’s release of clear guidelines for implementing Net Neutrality in the European Union is a big victory for internet users.
Internet wins! EU Regulators publish guidelines protecting Net Neutrality
Europe now has clear guidance for implementing Net Neutrality across all member states.
BEREC is closing its consultation on Net Neutrality. Did we save the internet?
More than 450,000 people spoke out to save Net Neutrality in Europe. Here’s what happens next.
EU regulator opens public consultation on Net Neutrality
The public can provide input to Europe’s regulators, who are working to resolve remaining ambiguities in the text to implement Net Neutrality.
Who is protecting net neutrality in Europe?
On Monday 24, February, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament will vote on the proposal for a Telecom Single Market. The Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in charge of the text being voted on, the conservative Pilar del Castillo Vera, put forward provisions that would undermine net neutrality and the future of the open internet. An alternative proposal to the text made by the socialist MEP Catherine Trautmann have already been supported by the Greens group. While this new text could still be improved, it does bring needed legal clarity and close the dangerous loopholes left in Ms Del Castillo’s proposal. Access, together with EDRi, provide an comparative analysis of these two proposals.
Rekindling Net Neutrality: Our meeting with EU telecoms regulators
Access Now provided testimony for the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) on Net Neutrality, working to keep the internet open and free all across Europe.
Traffic management in the Telecoms Single Market Regulation
What is traffic management? Would net neutrality prohibit traffic management? Find out in our Q&A on traffic management in the Telecoms Single Market Regulation.
As TSM moves to plenary, the future of Net Neutrality in Europe remains unclear
On 27 October, 2015 the European Parliament will vote in plenary on the Telecoms Single Market (TSM) regulation, legislation that could bring Net Neutrality to the 28 EU member states.