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Tag: EU Passenger Name Records (PNR)

EU- PNR: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it”

3 Jun 2015

Since last February, the civil liberties committee of the European Parliament (LIBE) has been discussing a legislative proposal for airline passenger data sharing called the EU Passenger Name Record Directive (EU-PNR). As negotiations proceed, Access and EDRi are contacting members of the LIBE Committee to remind them not to make the same mistake that the EU did in adopting the Data Retention Directive: passing legislation that violates fundamental human rights.

EU- PNR: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it”
3 Jun 2015
EU- PNR: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it”

EU proposal on airline passenger data sharing: say no one more time

21 Apr 2015

On 26 February 2015, MEP Timothy Kirkhope presented to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) a revised draft of the European Union Passenger Name Records proposal.

EU proposal on airline passenger data sharing: say no one more time
21 Apr 2015
EU proposal on airline passenger data sharing: say no one more time

Parliament votes to push forward its agenda on EU-PNR

13 Feb 2015

On February 11th, the European Parliament (EP) has adopted a resolution in which it commits to work toward finalising, by the end of the year, a directive on EU Passenger Name Records (PNR). Despite serious privacy concerns raised by civil society organisations, discourses privileging the need to reinforce EU anti-terrorism measures seem to have prevailed over European citizens’ fundamental rights.

Parliament votes to push forward its agenda on EU-PNR
13 Feb 2015
Parliament votes to push forward its agenda on EU-PNR