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Tag: EU Passenger Name Records (PNR)


In a bittersweet ruling, EU Court of Justice allows EU-wide border surveillance scheme but clarifies its limits

21 Jun 2022

Despite years of Access Now campaigning against the PNR Directive, the CJEU has ruled that the Directive is compatible with EU law and human rights.

Press Release
In a bittersweet ruling, EU Court of Justice allows EU-wide border surveillance scheme but clarifies its limits
21 Jun 2022
In a bittersweet ruling, EU Court of Justice allows EU-wide border surveillance scheme but clarifies its limits

Analysis: Will the PNR Directive entrench automated suspicion?

17 Feb 2022

If the CJEU upholds the automated passenger profiling under the PNR Directive, it could have profound negative consequences for the right to privacy.

Analysis: Will the PNR Directive entrench automated suspicion?
17 Feb 2022
Analysis: Will the PNR Directive entrench automated suspicion?

Border surveillance: what Europe’s “PNR” ruling means for your privacy

7 Sep 2017

When you travel, your fundamental rights are at risk. Fortunately, a ruling this summer in Europe can mitigate that risk, even beyond EU borders.

Border surveillance: what Europe’s “PNR” ruling means for your privacy
7 Sep 2017
Border surveillance: what Europe’s “PNR” ruling means for your privacy

We (still) know where you’ll be next summer

19 Jul 2017

No matter who you are or where you’re from, if your plans include crossing a border in the EU, your private information is fair game. If you choose to visit the US, the situation may be even worse.

We (still) know where you’ll be next summer
19 Jul 2017
We (still) know where you’ll be next summer

EU Commission to keep watch on Belgium’s rights-harming, disproportionate Passenger Name Record system

27 Feb 2017

We need real security, not what amounts to security theatre.

EU Commission to keep watch on Belgium’s rights-harming, disproportionate Passenger Name Record system
27 Feb 2017
EU Commission to keep watch on Belgium’s rights-harming, disproportionate Passenger Name Record system

Access Now notifies European Commission that Belgium’s plan for PNR system breaches EU law

22 Nov 2016

Belgium’s proposed PNR plan is disproportionate, risks harming rights, and would violate European law.

Press Release
Access Now notifies European Commission that Belgium’s plan for PNR system breaches EU law
22 Nov 2016
Access Now notifies European Commission that Belgium’s plan for PNR system breaches EU law

Access Now, EDRi and Panoptykon briefing paper on the EU PNR Directive

11 Oct 2016
Access Now, EDRi and Panoptykon briefing paper on the EU PNR Directive
11 Oct 2016
Access Now, EDRi and Panoptykon briefing paper on the EU PNR Directive
U.S. Congressional briefing

Europe approves privacy-invasive PNR Directive and privacy-protecting GDPR in one day

14 Apr 2016

The European Parliament has approved a dangerous passenger surveillance directive, while at the same time adopting privacy-enhancing data protection rules for all of Europe.

Press Release
Europe approves privacy-invasive PNR Directive and privacy-protecting GDPR in one day
14 Apr 2016
Europe approves privacy-invasive PNR Directive and privacy-protecting GDPR in one day

The stormy seas of privacy in Europe

14 Apr 2016

Europe has approved privacy-invasive and privacy-protecting legislation in one day.

The stormy seas of privacy in Europe
14 Apr 2016
The stormy seas of privacy in Europe

We (probably) know where you’ll be next summer

26 Jan 2016

The EU wants to create databases of information about everyone flying into, out of, or across Europe—no matter where you’re from or why you’re travelling.

We (probably) know where you’ll be next summer
26 Jan 2016
We (probably) know where you’ll be next summer