Tag: EU Commission

Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation
Automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation is scientifically flawed and puts LGBT+ lives at risk. The European Union has the opportunity to ban this technology and prevent such tools from being exported around the world. Sign now!

Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield
Update: The Court of Justice of the European Union will deliver its judgement on the “Schrems II” case. While the case deals with larger EU-US data transfer questions, it could lead to the invalidation of the Privacy Shield.

Human rights organizations call to strengthen the European Commission position on dual-use recast
The letter calls on the Commission to enact strong uniform rules across the Union so that surveillance vendors are prevented from “licence shopping” among the states with weaker implementation of current export controls rules.

The EU Commission should strike down the EU-US Privacy Shield. Here’s why.
By terminating the EU-US Privacy Shield, the EU Commission can help protect people’s rights and live up to its status as a global leader on the protection of personal data.

Access Now comments to the third annual Privacy Shield review

Civil society calls for evidence-based solutions to disinformation
Human and digital rights organisations published a joint report evaluating the European Commission’s online disinformation and propaganda initiatives.

EU Terrorism Regulation: an EU election tactic
The European Commission has yet again hurriedly published a new Regulation that addresses technology companies deleting or disabling access to terrorist content online.

Access Now’s responses to the second annual Privacy Shield review

Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.
The European Commission will soon introduce legislation on cross-border access to electronic evidence. That legislation must protect human rights.