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Tag: Encryption

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Iran: The block on Telegram is a blow to freedom of expression

11 May 2018

Today Access Now joins a coalition of rights organizations to urge the Iranian Judiciary and the Hassan Rouhani administration to restore Telegram for Iranians.

Iran: The block on Telegram is a blow to freedom of expression
11 May 2018
Iran: The block on Telegram is a blow to freedom of expression

Testimony before the Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

11 May 2018

We told members of Australia’s parliament that encryption is central to protection for human rights, the digital economy, and the preservation of cybersecurity.

Testimony before the Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement
11 May 2018
Testimony before the Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age

25 Apr 2018

Our submission to the United Nations on “the right to privacy in the digital age” details ways that governments can protect this fundamental right.

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age
25 Apr 2018
Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age

Save Crypto, Secure Australia

17 Apr 2018

Weakening encryption weakens the entire internet and increases risks for everyone on it. Tell Australia’s law makers to say no to proposals that undermine strong encryption.

Save Crypto, Secure Australia
17 Apr 2018
Save Crypto, Secure Australia

Governments want encryption backdoors: new report examines the legal and policy implications

14 Feb 2018

Access Now released a new report that concludes that any policy mandating backdoors into encrypted products “would likely be effective for only a minimal time, would be substantially costly, and might harm security in general.”

Press Release
Governments want encryption backdoors: new report examines the legal and policy implications
14 Feb 2018
Governments want encryption backdoors: new report examines the legal and policy implications

The role of encryption in Australia: A memorandum

25 Jan 2018
The role of encryption in Australia: A memorandum
25 Jan 2018
The role of encryption in Australia: A memorandum

Strong encryption serves Australia’s national interests and creates more robust systems

25 Jan 2018
Press Release
Strong encryption serves Australia’s national interests and creates more robust systems
25 Jan 2018
Strong encryption serves Australia’s national interests and creates more robust systems

Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.

24 Jan 2018

The European Commission will soon introduce legislation on cross-border access to electronic evidence. That legislation must protect human rights.

Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.
24 Jan 2018
Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.

Taking a human rights agenda to Davos

22 Jan 2018

More than 3,000 global leaders are gathering to discuss the theme of building a “Shared Future in a Fractured World.” Human rights should be at the center of that shared vision.

Taking a human rights agenda to Davos
22 Jan 2018
Taking a human rights agenda to Davos
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The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform

17 Jan 2018

The U.S. Senate passed — and President Trump has signed into law — a bill that will extend and expand invasive surveillance programs like PRISM and Upstream. But we have reason to be hopeful that this fight is not over.

The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform
17 Jan 2018
The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform