Tag: Encryption

Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights
New legislation will undermine the security of communications platforms, threatening the rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

Saving free expression in MENA: what happens after Khashoggi’s death?
The international community must act to investigate the evident murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and to amplify Arab voices.

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia
Australia asked for feedback on the draft Assistance and Access Bill, which threatens encryption and global cybersecurity. We made sure they heard from everyone we represent.

Facebook is right to defend the security of Messenger, and the solution is adding more security
The U.S. government is ordering Facebook to help wiretap Messenger voice calls. We explain what may be happening and how it could impact encrypted communications going forward.

Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights
We identify six areas for digital rights in which the new U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights could have a key and definitive voice during her tenure.

What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently introduced legislation to compel device manufacturers and service providers to assist law enforcement in accessing encrypted information.

In Australia, an inflection point for human rights
Experts across fields and sectors will converge in Sydney for the Human Rights and Technology conference hosted by the Australian Human Rights Commission. We’ll be there.

Global coalition calls on Australia’s government to reject plans to undermine encryption
The coalition letter, signed by 76 organizations, companies, and individuals, urges the government to abandon its plans to degrade security in Australia and around the world.

Saving the U.N. “Internet Resolution” from sharks circling in Geneva
The flaws in the consensus resolution show that those committed to human rights must engage even more deeply to ensure the most vulnerable are protected.

How to win government policy and influence the internet
We’ve submitted comments to the U.S. agency NTIA to help guide its international agenda for the internet. Here’s how and why.