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Tag: Encryption


US, UK and Australia urge Facebook to create backdoor access to encrypted messages

4 Oct 2019
US, UK and Australia urge Facebook to create backdoor access to encrypted messages
4 Oct 2019
US, UK and Australia urge Facebook to create backdoor access to encrypted messages

Facebook must go ahead with its plans to encrypt all services, despite government demands

3 Oct 2019

Weakening encryption undermines our security. We urge Facebook to stand firm against government demands to backdoor products to the detriment of public safety and human rights.

Press Release
Facebook must go ahead with its plans to encrypt all services, despite government demands
3 Oct 2019
Facebook must go ahead with its plans to encrypt all services, despite government demands

Encryption Rules Are Making An Exodus Of Info From Australia: Vault

23 Jul 2019
Encryption Rules Are Making An Exodus Of Info From Australia: Vault
23 Jul 2019
Encryption Rules Are Making An Exodus Of Info From Australia: Vault
UNHRC_Eric Bridiers

United Nations: Access Now on joint declaration “Challenges to freedom of expression in the next decade”

12 Jul 2019

Access Now welcomes the joint declaration from the United Nations that calls on governments globally to protect encryption and anonymity, safeguard net neutrality, and rein in the abuse of surveillance technologies.

Press Release
United Nations: Access Now on joint declaration “Challenges to freedom of expression in the next decade”
12 Jul 2019
United Nations: Access Now on joint declaration “Challenges to freedom of expression in the next decade”

Govt Encryption Laws Damaging Oz: Calls for Major Change

8 Jul 2019
Govt Encryption Laws Damaging Oz: Calls for Major Change
8 Jul 2019
Govt Encryption Laws Damaging Oz: Calls for Major Change

Encryption laws are creating an exodus of data from Australia: Vault

5 Jul 2019
Encryption laws are creating an exodus of data from Australia: Vault
5 Jul 2019
Encryption laws are creating an exodus of data from Australia: Vault

Australia’s digital rights advocates and tech sector push back against law undermining encryption

16 Jun 2019
Australia’s digital rights advocates and tech sector push back against law undermining encryption
16 Jun 2019
Australia’s digital rights advocates and tech sector push back against law undermining encryption
AI ethics

Lizzie O’Shea declared “Hero” for mobilizing the Australian public against the government’s anti-encryption legislation

8 Jun 2019

Today, Access Now announces its selection of Australian human rights lawyer Lizzie O’Shea as a 2018 Human Rights Hero.

Press Release
Lizzie O’Shea declared “Hero” for mobilizing the Australian public against the government’s anti-encryption legislation
8 Jun 2019
Lizzie O’Shea declared “Hero” for mobilizing the Australian public against the government’s anti-encryption legislation
RightsCon session videos|IGF

Global coalition urges India to withdraw proposed amendments to Intermediary Guidelines

15 Mar 2019

The government’s proposed amendments on intermediary liability in India won’t fix disinformation, but will harm digital security and human rights, the coalition warns.

Press Release
Global coalition urges India to withdraw proposed amendments to Intermediary Guidelines
15 Mar 2019
Global coalition urges India to withdraw proposed amendments to Intermediary Guidelines
Secure Australia

Big reputation: What the Australian Parliament can learn from Taylor Swift

13 Feb 2019

Australia’s anti-encryption law lets law enforcement and intelligence agencies order companies to do just about anything in the pursuit of national security or enforcement of criminal law. Here’s a guide for enacting deep reform.

Big reputation: What the Australian Parliament can learn from Taylor Swift
13 Feb 2019
Big reputation: What the Australian Parliament can learn from Taylor Swift