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Tag: Encryption

India’s Draft Telecommunication Bill must be revamped to protect human rights

22 Sep 2022

India’s Draft Telecommunication Bill is yet another attack on end-to-end encryption, and people’s fundamental rights and freedoms.

Press Release
India’s Draft Telecommunication Bill must be revamped to protect human rights
22 Sep 2022
India’s Draft Telecommunication Bill must be revamped to protect human rights
Telegram vs Russia

Telegram vs Russia: Access Now tells the European Court of Human Rights why encryption must be protected

15 Jul 2022

In a joint submission to the ECtHR on the Telegram vs Russia case, Access Now explains why encryption must be protected.

Press Release
Telegram vs Russia: Access Now tells the European Court of Human Rights why encryption must be protected
15 Jul 2022
Telegram vs Russia: Access Now tells the European Court of Human Rights why encryption must be protected
Telegram vs Russia

Encrypt all the messages — across all the platforms

27 Apr 2022

Elon Musk’s planned Twitter buyout is spurring new calls for end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for messaging. Here’s why it’s both desirable and feasible to make E2EE messaging interoperable across major communications platforms, as the E.U. Digital Markets Act envisions.

Encrypt all the messages — across all the platforms
27 Apr 2022
Encrypt all the messages — across all the platforms

Bangladesh’s proposed digital, social media, and OTT platforms regulation needs a complete overhaul

7 Mar 2022

Access Now and a coalition of human rights organizations are urging Bangladesh to withdraw the proposed digital, social media, and OTT platforms regulation.

Press Release
Bangladesh’s proposed digital, social media, and OTT platforms regulation needs a complete overhaul
7 Mar 2022
Bangladesh’s proposed digital, social media, and OTT platforms regulation needs a complete overhaul

Letter to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission: withdraw the Regulation for Digital, Social Media, and OTT Platforms

7 Mar 2022

Access Now and a coalition of human rights organizations are urging Bangladesh to withdraw the proposed digital, social media, and OTT platforms regulation.

Press Release
Letter to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission: withdraw the Regulation for Digital, Social Media, and OTT Platforms
7 Mar 2022
Letter to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission: withdraw the Regulation for Digital, Social Media, and OTT Platforms
Telegram vs Russia

Access Now joins Global Encryption Coalition and continues to fight the good fight

12 Jan 2022

Access Now is joining the Global Encryption Coalition in the fight to prevent this critical technology from being weakened. 

Press Release
Access Now joins Global Encryption Coalition and continues to fight the good fight
12 Jan 2022
Access Now joins Global Encryption Coalition and continues to fight the good fight

Who we hurt when we attack encryption

21 Oct 2021

Encryption is a vital tool for keeping human rights defenders safe from powerful adversaries. Case studies from Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline show how strong encryption makes the world safer for everyone.

Who we hurt when we attack encryption
21 Oct 2021
Who we hurt when we attack encryption

Four strategies to defend encryption and our human rights

21 Oct 2021

When we fight for encryption, we fight for human rights. It enables us to stay safe online, and communicate privately and freely. Yet governments keep pushing to undermine it, and companies are caving in. Here are four ways encryption advocates can push back.

Four strategies to defend encryption and our human rights
21 Oct 2021
Four strategies to defend encryption and our human rights

Surveillance state incoming with Australia’s “hacking” bill

10 Sep 2021

Australia’s new “hacking” bill violates privacy and security, and is bound to have global implications.

Surveillance state incoming with Australia’s “hacking” bill
10 Sep 2021
Surveillance state incoming with Australia’s “hacking” bill

Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning

3 Sep 2021

Apple’s plan to implement client-side scanning is not a viable or proportionate solution to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) online. The plan circumvents end-to-end encryption and puts everyone’s privacy and security at risk by reducing individuals’ control over their own devices.

Press Release
Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning
3 Sep 2021
Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning