Tag: elections

#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo
Nations across Africa, and the world, are intentionally shutting down the internet when people need it the most — during elections and important national events. This election, we urge the Republic of the Congo to #KeepItOn.

Tech Giants’ Dreams of Free Internet Wither in African Backlash

Cutting internet access when people need it the most: stories from Uganda
Join us and share these 15 personal stories to show how the shutdowns in Uganda during the 2021 presidential election are affecting people’s lives. Amplify voices from Uganda.

Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa
Access Now’s latest report, Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa, explores how a lack of strong data protection in MENA countries is leaving people vulnerable to abuse and exploitation of their most personal information.

En Ouganda, l’accès à Internet se fait politique

Editorial: Campaigns in the time of Twitter

La coupure d’internet, arme électorale en Ouganda

Uganda elections 2021: Bobi Wine takes on Yoweri Museveni

Uganda has cut off its entire internet hours to its election polls opening