Tag: elections

Le Sénégal doit montrer l’exemple, garder internet accessible pendant les élections
La coalition #KeepItOn exhorte le Sénégal à maintenir la population connectée tout au long des élections locales du 23 janvier.

Senegal must set an example, keep the internet accessible during elections
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are urging the government of Senegal to keep the internet accessible during the upcoming elections.

#KeepItOn coalition to The Gambia: uphold democracy this election, keep people connected
The #KeepItOn coalition received no reports of internet shutdowns during The Gambia’s 2021 presidential elections.

Libya’s cybercrime law: A threat to freedom of expression and legalization of censorship
Libya has just adopted a dangerous new cybercrime law that stifles freedom of expression.

Why are Google and Apple still silent on Russian censorship?

Iraq’s elections must not be tainted by internet shutdowns
No to internet shutdowns in Iraq these elections — Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition demand an open, accessible, and secure internet for all.

En Russie, la censure d’une application de l’opposition « marque un nouveau chapitre » dans le combat entre autorités et géants du Net

Not good enough: Apple, Google bow to government pressure, censor content during Russian elections
The Russian elections were held on the weekend, and authorities — with the complicity of Big Tech — censored the population.

Russia votes: Big Tech must keep the internet open and secure during elections
As Russia votes, the #KeepItOn coalition is demanding Big Tech stands up for human rights, and resists government orders to censor the internet.

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.