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Tag: Education

Shutdowns right to education

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education

21 Sep 2022

Governments cite administration of education as a rationale for internet shutdowns during exams. Here’s why shutdowns are never compatible with the right to education.

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
21 Sep 2022
Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
internet shutdowns issue

The internet shutdowns issue

1 Sep 2021

With support from the #KeepItOn coalition, Jigsaw is today publishing “The Current: The Internet Shutdowns Issue,” a deep-dive into internet shutdowns.

Press Release
The internet shutdowns issue
1 Sep 2021
The internet shutdowns issue

From Palestine to China, Zoom has no business censoring dissent

26 Oct 2020
From Palestine to China, Zoom has no business censoring dissent
26 Oct 2020
From Palestine to China, Zoom has no business censoring dissent
|Image: surveillance cameras on the street.

Student Proctoring Software Gets First Test Under EU Privacy Law

29 Jul 2020
Student Proctoring Software Gets First Test Under EU Privacy Law
29 Jul 2020
Student Proctoring Software Gets First Test Under EU Privacy Law
Shutdowns right to education

Advocates Worldwide Call to Protect Children from Edtech Exploitation

16 Apr 2020
Advocates Worldwide Call to Protect Children from Edtech Exploitation
16 Apr 2020
Advocates Worldwide Call to Protect Children from Edtech Exploitation

Human Rights Groups: Kids Need Protection from EdTech Commercialization

16 Apr 2020
Human Rights Groups: Kids Need Protection from EdTech Commercialization
16 Apr 2020
Human Rights Groups: Kids Need Protection from EdTech Commercialization