Internet shutdowns in Africa: fewer offenders in 2022, still causing harm
Access Now’s new report, “Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022,” unpacks internet shutdowns in Africa and globally.

Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity

ECOWAS Court victory: Twitter ban in Nigeria declared unlawful
In a huge win for human rights, Nigeria’s ECOWAS Court declared that government’s seven-month Twitter ban was unlawful.

Access Now to ECOWAS Court: overturn Nigeria’s Twitter ban
Access Now, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Open Net Association filed a legal intervention to the ECOWAS Court challenging the constitutionality of Nigeria’s Twitter ban.

Nigerians launch legal action against government’s Twitter ban

Litigators target national internet shutdowns

ECOWAS Togo court decision: Internet access is a right that requires protection of the law
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Community Court has issued a pivotal decision for the right of freedom of expression in Togo and other West African States.

Internet Shutdown in Togo Ruled Unlawful by ECOWAS Court of Justice

ECOWAS court fines Togo $3400 for its Internet shutdown of 2017