The UK Parliament shows disregard for digital rights by approving Snooper’s Charter
The UK has codified and expanded mass government surveillance, making people less free and less safe.

UK’s IP Bill: deficient on privacy protections, ample on surveillance authority
As written, the United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers Bill would undermine privacy, data protection, freedom of expression, and digital security.

Announcing the 2015 Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance
Today Access recognizes the individuals and groups that have either been champions of the 13 internationally recognized principles for human rights in communications surveillance (“Heroes”), or have undermined or violated those principles (“Villains”). These principles, called the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance (or “the Principles”), have been endorsed by more than 400 civil society groups worldwide. They provide a framework for assessing whether government surveillance practices comply with international human rights obligations. Today marks the two-year anniversary of the Principles, which were publicly released on September 22, 2013.