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Tag: DRC

#KeepItOn 2023 election watch

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch

9 Feb 2023

Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2023 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch
9 Feb 2023
2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch

Sudan, Bangladesh, DRC, Gabon start 2019 with major digital rights violations

10 Jan 2019

As the world celebrated 2019, governments shut down the internet, throttled services, and blocked social media. Here’s what happened while you were away.

Sudan, Bangladesh, DRC, Gabon start 2019 with major digital rights violations
10 Jan 2019
Sudan, Bangladesh, DRC, Gabon start 2019 with major digital rights violations
UNHRC_Eric Bridiers

Access Now and global partners report to Human Rights Council on most pressing digital rights issues in Nicaragua, DRC, Qatar, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica

10 Oct 2018

Our reports cover a country’s human rights obligations, developments since the last review, and pressing examples with evidence to show how rights are being violated or put at risk.

Access Now and global partners report to Human Rights Council on most pressing digital rights issues in Nicaragua, DRC, Qatar, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica
10 Oct 2018
Access Now and global partners report to Human Rights Council on most pressing digital rights issues in Nicaragua, DRC, Qatar, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica

Democratic Republic of Congo orders telco Orange to slow internet capacity

11 Aug 2017

Internet shutdowns of all kinds interfere with fundamental rights. We call on the government to cease the slowdown, and urge Orange Cameroon to push back.

Democratic Republic of Congo orders telco Orange to slow internet capacity
11 Aug 2017
Democratic Republic of Congo orders telco Orange to slow internet capacity

Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo

19 Dec 2016

Tips from our Digital Security Helpline to help people get online.

Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo
19 Dec 2016
Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Telcos warned against shutting down DR Congo networks

16 Dec 2016

The Democratic Republic of Congo wants a social media blackout on Monday. Can we stop them?

Telcos warned against shutting down DR Congo networks
16 Dec 2016
Telcos warned against shutting down DR Congo networks