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Tag: discrimination

Why we don’t like Amazon Ring

15 Dec 2021

Amazon Ring video doorbells are amplifying discrimination, one sensor at a time. We unpack how Ring-police partnerships threaten human rights and what you can do to combat surveillance.

Why we don’t like Amazon Ring
15 Dec 2021
Why we don’t like Amazon Ring
U.N. Joint Statement RightsCon

Access Now addresses the U.N. Security Council on countering hate speech online

28 Oct 2021

Before the United Nations Security Council, Access Now explained proactive ways to address and counter hate speech online.

Access Now addresses the U.N. Security Council on countering hate speech online
28 Oct 2021
Access Now addresses the U.N. Security Council on countering hate speech online

Civil society to U.S. FTC: fight for civil rights and privacy

4 Aug 2021

Access Now and civil society partners call on the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to take a stand against exploitation and discrimination online.

Press Release
Civil society to U.S. FTC: fight for civil rights and privacy
4 Aug 2021
Civil society to U.S. FTC: fight for civil rights and privacy

Prohibiting discriminatory algorithms: U.S. Congress has a plan

27 May 2021

Access Now is proud to endorse the Algorithmic Justice and Online Platform Transparency Act of 2021, introduced by U.S. Senator Markey and Representative Matsui. The bill would help protect marginalized communities from discrimination online and increase transparency into websites’ systems of content promotion and moderation.

Press Release
Prohibiting discriminatory algorithms: U.S. Congress has a plan
27 May 2021
Prohibiting discriminatory algorithms: U.S. Congress has a plan
amicus brief Colombia Coronapp

Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights

23 Apr 2021

As the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum, governments are clamoring to implement measures to help the world return to pre-virus normality. This includes exploring digital vaccine certificates — or COVID-19 vaccine “passports”. Current proposals, however, threaten human rights.

Press Release
Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights
23 Apr 2021
Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights

Encryption is vital for attorney-client privilege in the digital era, and lawyers should fight for it

11 Jan 2021

In the fight for encryption, attorney-client privilege is at stake.

Encryption is vital for attorney-client privilege in the digital era, and lawyers should fight for it
11 Jan 2021
Encryption is vital for attorney-client privilege in the digital era, and lawyers should fight for it

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

10 Dec 2020

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
10 Dec 2020
Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

Civil society to U.S. Congress: don’t let disinformation run rampant

30 Sep 2020

Access Now and public interest partners oppose the Online Content Policy Modernization Act, legislation that would hamper platforms’ ability to combat disinformation and hate speech.

Press Release
Civil society to U.S. Congress: don’t let disinformation run rampant
30 Sep 2020
Civil society to U.S. Congress: don’t let disinformation run rampant
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

COVID-19 response technology must protect civil rights

11 Jun 2020

Access Now joins coalition letter to U.S. Congress calling for civil rights and privacy protections in COVID-19 response technology.

Press Release
COVID-19 response technology must protect civil rights
11 Jun 2020
COVID-19 response technology must protect civil rights

Google’s Jigsaw Was Supposed to Save the Internet. Behind the Scenes, It Became a Toxic Mess

2 Jul 2019
Google’s Jigsaw Was Supposed to Save the Internet. Behind the Scenes, It Became a Toxic Mess
2 Jul 2019
Google’s Jigsaw Was Supposed to Save the Internet. Behind the Scenes, It Became a Toxic Mess