Tag: Digital Services Act

DSA: the war on Gaza is not an excuse to silence people online
The EU’s fast-tracked “solution” to the spread of illegal content online could result in long-term consequences to freedom of speech.

When tackling illegal online content related to conflict in Gaza, the rule of law matters
The Digital Service Act (DSA) must not be exploited in times of conflict or crisis.

Precise interpretation of the DSA matters especially when people’s lives are at risk in Gaza and Israel
The Digital Service Act (DSA) must not be exploited in times of conflict or crisis. The E.U. must respect due process when enforcing the DSA during ongoing armed conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Fundamental rights impact assessments are key for effective DSA enforcement
Under the EU DSA, companies designated as VLOPs or VLOSEs must assess fundamental rights risks stemming from their services. Access Now and ECNL have published a new policy paper to support enforcement of this requirement.

Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA

VLOPs or flops: Is Big Tech dodging accountability in the EU?
The EU asked tech companies to share their user numbers in order to see who qualifies as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the Digital Services Act (DSA) rules. But the numbers don’t add up.

The Digital Services Act: your guide to the EU’s new content moderation rules
The EU Digital Services Act has finally arrived. We unpack what this law contains and the changes people can expect to see from 2024 onwards.

EU’s political deal on the Digital Services Act step in the right direction, but some questions remain
While Access Now welcomes the DSA’s human rights-centric framework, there are gaps that must be addressed.

What’s next for the EU’s DSA?
The European Parliament has adopted its position on the proposed DSA. We explain where we are in the negotiations and what is coming next.

Victories in the DSA vote: IMCO Committee puts people’s rights before corporate interest
Access Now welcomes victories in the DSA vote, indicating steps towards further protecting freedom of expression and opinion online.