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Tag: Digital Security Helpline

Happy 5th birthday to the Internet Freedom Festival!

1 Apr 2019

This week the Internet Freedom Festival celebrates its fifth year bringing together grassroots activists, journalists, and other freedom fighters. Here’s where you can find us.

Happy 5th birthday to the Internet Freedom Festival!
1 Apr 2019
Happy 5th birthday to the Internet Freedom Festival!

Cách tấn công phishing mới trên Facebook ngăn chặn tiếng nói đấu tranh ở Việt Nam

15 Jan 2019

Gần đây Access Now đã nhận được một số báo cáo cho biết tài khoản Facebook của các blogger và nhà báo công dân Việt Nam chuyên viết về chủ đề dân chủ và nhân quyền, đang là mục tiêu tấn công trên mạng. Những cuộc tấn công này sử dụng một kỹ thuật gọi là “social engineering”. Theo đó, kẻ tấn công sẽ đánh lừa để khiến chủ tài khoản Facebook nằm trong tầm ngắm vì bị liên kết với nội dung vi phạm điều khoản dịch vụ của Facebook, dẫn đến tài khoản bị khóa và gần như là không thể phục hồi.

Cách tấn công phishing mới trên Facebook ngăn chặn tiếng nói đấu tranh ở Việt Nam
15 Jan 2019
Cách tấn công phishing mới trên Facebook ngăn chặn tiếng nói đấu tranh ở Việt Nam

Protect yourself and your community: Use these digital security tips

6 Dec 2018

What you do online can have real consequences for you and the people you care about. These simple steps can help you avoid unnecessary risks and prevent your personal information from falling into the wrong hands.

Protect yourself and your community: Use these digital security tips
6 Dec 2018
Protect yourself and your community: Use these digital security tips

New Facebook phishing attack taking Vietnamese opposition voices offline

23 Oct 2018

Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline is warning against social engineering attacks in Vietnam that target bloggers and citizen journalists writing about democracy and human rights.

New Facebook phishing attack taking Vietnamese opposition voices offline
23 Oct 2018
New Facebook phishing attack taking Vietnamese opposition voices offline

Protégete a vos mismo y a tu comunidad: Usá estas tácticas de seguridad digital

8 Oct 2018

Lo que haces en línea puede tener consecuencias reales para ti y la gente que te importa. Seguir estos pasos simples puede ayudarte a evitar riesgos innecesarios en una situación ya de por sí peligrosa.

Protégete a vos mismo y a tu comunidad: Usá estas tácticas de seguridad digital
8 Oct 2018
Protégete a vos mismo y a tu comunidad: Usá estas tácticas de seguridad digital
Malaysia's flag

Malaysia’s dangerous “fake news” law is still on the books. It must be repealed.

20 Sep 2018

This law is part of a global trend that harms free expression and threatens democratic discourse. We’re urging Malaysia to re-table the legislation for repeal.

Malaysia’s dangerous “fake news” law is still on the books. It must be repealed.
20 Sep 2018
Malaysia’s dangerous “fake news” law is still on the books. It must be repealed.
Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang

New wave of online attacks in Nicaragua puts opposition voices at risk of physical violence

13 Sep 2018

Our Digital Security Helpline has observed increasingly sophisticated online attacks against activists and journalists. We’re offering help.

New wave of online attacks in Nicaragua puts opposition voices at risk of physical violence
13 Sep 2018
New wave of online attacks in Nicaragua puts opposition voices at risk of physical violence
United Nations Human Rights Concil

Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights

23 Aug 2018

We identify six areas for digital rights in which the new U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights could have a key and definitive voice during her tenure.

Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights
23 Aug 2018
Open letter to Michelle Bachelet, new High Commissioner for Human Rights

How to win government policy and influence the internet

10 Jul 2018

We’ve submitted comments to the U.S. agency NTIA to help guide its international agenda for the internet. Here’s how and why.

How to win government policy and influence the internet
10 Jul 2018
How to win government policy and influence the internet

LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online

21 Jun 2018

During Pride Month, we celebrate the many activists, journalists, human rights defenders, and community members who have helped to build a more equal and rights-respecting world, often at great personal sacrifice.

LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online
21 Jun 2018
LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online