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Tag: Digital Security Helpline

International Women's Day

Six Latin American activist organizations you can support for International Women’s Day

8 Mar 2021

On International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the hard work of six activist organizations in Latin America that are making digital spaces safer for women during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Six Latin American activist organizations you can support for International Women’s Day
8 Mar 2021
Six Latin American activist organizations you can support for International Women’s Day

Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists

22 Oct 2020

Repressive regimes — from Nicaragua to Tanzania to Ecuador and beyond — are adding to their toolbox of strategies for censorship of critical voices and independent journalism online.

Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists
22 Oct 2020
Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists
Digital rights

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward

23 Jun 2020

What role can the United Nations play in shaping the future of digital rights? A new Roadmap for Digital Cooperation aims to galvanize efforts to “connect, respect, and protect people in the digital age.” Will it work?

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward
23 Jun 2020
New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward

Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers

23 Jun 2020

After Facebook disabled 60+ accounts of Tunisian users, we and our partners wrote the company to ask why. We’re still waiting for a full and public response.

Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers
23 Jun 2020
Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers

نقف جنبا إلى جنب والفخر يعتلينا!

15 Jun 2020
نقف جنبا إلى جنب والفخر يعتلينا!
15 Jun 2020
نقف جنبا إلى جنب والفخر يعتلينا!

Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?

12 Jun 2020

“Operation Carthage” has revealed attempts to leverage Facebook to influence elections in Tunisia and countries in Africa, and the company disabled accounts without explanation. We’re demanding answers.

Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?
12 Jun 2020
Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?

Digital Security Assistance

15 May 2020
Digital Security Assistance
15 May 2020
Digital Security Assistance

Facing the Challenge of an Evolving Digital Civil Space

14 May 2020
Facing the Challenge of an Evolving Digital Civil Space
14 May 2020
Facing the Challenge of an Evolving Digital Civil Space

Digital Security Helpline: our approach to content-related cases

12 May 2020

Critical voices from civil society are being censored. Here’s how the Digital Security Helpline addresses cases related to content governance.

Digital Security Helpline: our approach to content-related cases
12 May 2020
Digital Security Helpline: our approach to content-related cases

MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!

28 Apr 2020

Many internet users in the Middle East and North Africa region are disclosing other people’s personal data on social media. During COVID-19, violating privacy can risk lives.

MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!
28 Apr 2020
MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!