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Tag: Digital Rights Watch

U.S. Congressional briefing

Changes to Australia’s criminal code will create a new class of internet censorship

2 Apr 2019

Australia’s government have announced the introduction of a new bill that would impose criminal liability on executives of social media platforms if they fail to remove “abhorrent violent content.” The hastily drafted legislation could have serious unintended consequences for human rights in Australia.

Press Release
Changes to Australia’s criminal code will create a new class of internet censorship
2 Apr 2019
Changes to Australia’s criminal code will create a new class of internet censorship

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia

12 Sep 2018

Australia asked for feedback on the draft Assistance and Access Bill, which threatens encryption and global cybersecurity. We made sure they heard from everyone we represent.

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia
12 Sep 2018
What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia