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Tag: Digital rights

Human Rights 75 Pledges

Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights

8 Dec 2023

Access Now welcomes this opportunity to provide relevant information to the United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to inform the High Commissioner’s Vision on the Future of Human Rights in the framework of the Human Rights 75 Initiative.

Press Release
Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights
8 Dec 2023
Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights
Urgent call: ceasefire in Gaza, "digital ceasefire" for Palestinians globally!

Paltel Group’s response to Access Now and Human Rights Watch’s letter

15 Nov 2023

Access Now and the MENA Alliance for Digital Rights call for immediate restoration of telecoms and internet connectivity in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Paltel Group’s response to Access Now and Human Rights Watch’s letter
15 Nov 2023
Paltel Group’s response to Access Now and Human Rights Watch’s letter
Urgent call: ceasefire in Gaza, "digital ceasefire" for Palestinians globally!

Letter to Paltel: internet and telecommunications shutdowns and disruptions in Gaza

15 Nov 2023

Human Rights Watch and Access Now wrote to Paltel Group in regards to the ongoing disruption of internet and telecommunications services in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Letter to Paltel: internet and telecommunications shutdowns and disruptions in Gaza
15 Nov 2023
Letter to Paltel: internet and telecommunications shutdowns and disruptions in Gaza
Secret surveillance: countering spyware’s threats to freedom of the press and expression

A year after Elon Musk bought Twitter, X is now a ‘worthless’ platform some say is no longer safe for activists

2 Nov 2023
A year after Elon Musk bought Twitter, X is now a ‘worthless’ platform some say is no longer safe for activists
ABC News ↗
2 Nov 2023
A year after Elon Musk bought Twitter, X is now a ‘worthless’ platform some say is no longer safe for activists
Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!

Gaza’s last link is gone: civil society urges immediate reversal of total communications blackout now shrouding human rights harms

27 Oct 2023

Access Now and the MENA Alliance for Digital Rights call for immediate restoration of telecoms and internet connectivity in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Gaza’s last link is gone: civil society urges immediate reversal of total communications blackout now shrouding human rights harms
27 Oct 2023
Gaza’s last link is gone: civil society urges immediate reversal of total communications blackout now shrouding human rights harms
Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!

منظمات مدنية عالميّة: نطالب بإعادة خدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت إلى غزّة فوراً!

20 Oct 2023

يدين تحالف الحقوق الرقمية في المنطقة العربية وغيره من منظمات المجتمع المدني بأشدّ العبارات استهداف إسرائيل لوسائل الاتصال والوصول إلى المعلومات في غزّة.

Press Release
منظمات مدنية عالميّة: نطالب بإعادة خدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت إلى غزّة فوراً!
20 Oct 2023
منظمات مدنية عالميّة: نطالب بإعادة خدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت إلى غزّة فوراً!
Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!

Joint statement: Restore telecoms and internet connectivity in Gaza now!

20 Oct 2023

The MENA Alliance for Digital Rights and other CSOs condemn Israel’s targeting of the means of communication in Gaza.

Press Release
Joint statement: Restore telecoms and internet connectivity in Gaza now!
20 Oct 2023
Joint statement: Restore telecoms and internet connectivity in Gaza now!
Regulating digital platforms

Civil society organizations’ call for tech companies to respect Palestinian digital rights in times of crisis

16 Oct 2023

Together with human rights and civil society organisations, we call for tech companies to respect Palestinian digital rights.

Press Release
Civil society organizations’ call for tech companies to respect Palestinian digital rights in times of crisis
16 Oct 2023
Civil society organizations’ call for tech companies to respect Palestinian digital rights in times of crisis
Press under Attack – Digital Strategies to Intimidate Journalists in Latin America

Meta releases second human rights report, activists say no concrete plan to tackle issues in India

20 Sep 2023
Meta releases second human rights report, activists say no concrete plan to tackle issues in India
The Wire ↗
20 Sep 2023
Meta releases second human rights report, activists say no concrete plan to tackle issues in India
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

Myanmar cannot wait: Only coordinated global pushback will stop escalating violence and repression

17 Aug 2023
Myanmar cannot wait: Only coordinated global pushback will stop escalating violence and repression
Tech Policy Press ↗
17 Aug 2023
Myanmar cannot wait: Only coordinated global pushback will stop escalating violence and repression