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Tag: Digital ID

Tunisia biometric passports

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

9 Mar 2021

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

Press Release
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس
9 Mar 2021
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس
Tunisia biometric passports

Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy

9 Mar 2021

Access Now joins 30 groups in sounding the alarm about Tunisia’s revived biometric ID proposal, which still poses a serious threat to Tunisians’ privacy.

Press Release
Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy
9 Mar 2021
Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy
digital ID bill

Analysis-As COVID-19 vaccines launch, digital certificates seen deepening inequalities

17 Dec 2020
Analysis-As COVID-19 vaccines launch, digital certificates seen deepening inequalities
17 Dec 2020
Analysis-As COVID-19 vaccines launch, digital certificates seen deepening inequalities

Privacy concerns as India pushes digital health plan, ID

22 Sep 2020
Privacy concerns as India pushes digital health plan, ID
22 Sep 2020
Privacy concerns as India pushes digital health plan, ID

#WhyID: Digital health certificates are not immune from violating users’ rights

22 Jul 2020

Access Now, in consultation with the #WhyID community, is releasing a new report that dives deep into the world of digital health certificates and their impact on the rights of users. 

Press Release
#WhyID: Digital health certificates are not immune from violating users’ rights
22 Jul 2020
#WhyID: Digital health certificates are not immune from violating users’ rights

What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?

14 Jul 2020
What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?
14 Jul 2020
What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?
Digital rights

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward

23 Jun 2020

What role can the United Nations play in shaping the future of digital rights? A new Roadmap for Digital Cooperation aims to galvanize efforts to “connect, respect, and protect people in the digital age.” Will it work?

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward
23 Jun 2020
New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward
Digital ID Systems

Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?

29 Apr 2020

The ongoing global health crisis has demonstrated with painful clarity the risks posed by digital identity systems that centralize biometric data, health records, and other sensitive personal information. It is essential that governments, development agencies, funders, and all other stakeholders first ask the question #WhyID.

Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?
29 Apr 2020
Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?

Bringing community insights on human rights priorities to world leaders in Davos

17 Jan 2020

Hundreds of world leaders and CEOs, along with a small group of civil society reps, are gathering at the World Economic Forum to help shape global, regional, and industry agendas for worldwide impact. We’re bringing your message.

Bringing community insights on human rights priorities to world leaders in Davos
17 Jan 2020
Bringing community insights on human rights priorities to world leaders in Davos

Help shape our message to world leaders on human rights in 2020 and beyond

14 Jan 2020

Take the survey today to help shape our message to world leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, and to add your voice to the call for a future built on human rights for all.

Help shape our message to world leaders on human rights in 2020 and beyond
14 Jan 2020
Help shape our message to world leaders on human rights in 2020 and beyond