Tag: DHS

El Salvador: cómo los datos poco fiables acorralan a las personas migrantes en Estados Unidos
30 Aug 2023

El Salvador: how dirty data entraps immigrants to the U.S.
30 Aug 2023
The U.S. is using unreliable information from El Salvador for immigration processes, entrapping innocent immigrants. It’s time to stop dirty data-sharing agreements, reform the process, and protect people’s rights.

Rights groups call for investigation: U.S. relies on unreliable information in immigration screening and adjudications
9 Aug 2023

Organizaciones de derechos humanos piden investigación sobre intercambio de información entre Estados Unidos y gobiernos autoritarios para procesos migratorios
9 Aug 2023

Exigimos que las personas puedan #MigrarSinVigilancia: ¡No a la recolección e intercambio masivo de datos biométricos de personas migrantes!
21 Sep 2022

Sociedad civil a Amazon: Terminen su contrato para alojar la peligrosa base de datos biométrica del DHS de EE. UU.
24 May 2022

Survey: Should the U.S. government collect social media accounts for visa applications?
4 May 2018
Can you be deported for a tweet? Maybe soon. The U.S. government needs to know what you think! Weigh in by taking our short survey.

Access Now objects to U.S. social media surveillance
20 Oct 2017
We urged the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to withdraw its proposal and publicly review the reach and efficacy of its social media monitoring programs generally.