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Tag: #DefendEncryption

Image: Don’t stop encrypting

What encryption is, and why Kenyans should keep using it

21 Oct 2022

In this blog, we examine what end-to-end encryption is, how it works, and why Kenyans should keep using it.

What encryption is, and why Kenyans should keep using it
21 Oct 2022
What encryption is, and why Kenyans should keep using it
Telegram vs Russia

Why encryption is important: 10 facts to counter the myths

31 Aug 2021
Why encryption is important: 10 facts to counter the myths
31 Aug 2021
Why encryption is important: 10 facts to counter the myths
Digital rights

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers

7 Jul 2021

Digital surveillance is threatening the right to protest worldwide. U.N. human rights expert Clément Voule is fighting for strong encryption and tight restrictions on the use of spyware. Here’s why that push is important for human rights lawyers and the activists they represent.

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
7 Jul 2021
At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
Secure Australia

Big reputation: What the Australian Parliament can learn from Taylor Swift

13 Feb 2019

Australia’s anti-encryption law lets law enforcement and intelligence agencies order companies to do just about anything in the pursuit of national security or enforcement of criminal law. Here’s a guide for enacting deep reform.

Big reputation: What the Australian Parliament can learn from Taylor Swift
13 Feb 2019
Big reputation: What the Australian Parliament can learn from Taylor Swift

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia

12 Sep 2018

Australia asked for feedback on the draft Assistance and Access Bill, which threatens encryption and global cybersecurity. We made sure they heard from everyone we represent.

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia
12 Sep 2018
What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia