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Tag: Data Protection Reform


Malmström acknowledges validity of compromising document

8 Oct 2014

In an email exchange with Access, Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner-designate for Trade, declared to never have put into question the validity of the email acquired by our organisation through a Freedom of Information Act request, shedding light on the EU Home Affairs Department’s collaboration with the U.S. government to undermine EU privacy reform efforts.

Malmström acknowledges validity of compromising document
8 Oct 2014
Malmström acknowledges validity of compromising document

Malmström acknowledges validity of compromising document

8 Oct 2014

In an email exchange with Access, Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner-designate for Trade, declared to never have put into question the validity of the email acquired by our organisation through a Freedom of Information Act request, shedding light on the EU Home Affairs Department’s collaboration with the U.S. government to undermine EU privacy reform efforts.

Malmström acknowledges validity of compromising document
8 Oct 2014
Malmström acknowledges validity of compromising document

Access sends open letter to Commissioner Malmström seeking clarifications on claims from yesterday’s hearing

30 Sep 2014

In an open letter sent today to Commissioner Malmström, Access requests the Commissioner-designate for Trade for immediate feedback on the aspersions she placed on the validity of the acquired document during yesterday’s hearing in the European Parliament.

Press Release
Access sends open letter to Commissioner Malmström seeking clarifications on claims from yesterday’s hearing
30 Sep 2014
Access sends open letter to Commissioner Malmström seeking clarifications on claims from yesterday’s hearing

Big brother’s little helper inside the European Commission

27 Sep 2014

Through a Freedom of Information Request, Access has acquired an important document that sheds light on the Home Affairs department of the European Commission’s relationship with the U.S. administration on the EU Data Protection Reform effort.

Big brother’s little helper inside the European Commission
27 Sep 2014
Big brother’s little helper inside the European Commission

EP adopts the Data Protection Reform Package

12 Mar 2014

Today, the European Parliament adopted the Data Protection Regulation and Directive, commonly referred to as the Data Protection Reform Package (DPR). This vote represents another crucial step towards protecting European user data and the completion of the long-awaited reform proposed by the European Commission back in January 2012.

EP adopts the Data Protection Reform Package
12 Mar 2014
EP adopts the Data Protection Reform Package

After mass surveillance revelations, Europe calls for privacy

12 Mar 2014

Today, the European Parliament adopted its report and recommendations stemming from its investigation of the mass surveillance programmes of the NSA and GCHQ on E.U. citizens. The report, which was drafted over the course of 15 inquiry hearings conducted by the European Parliament civil liberties (LIBE) committee, heard testimony about the impact of the programmes revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden on the fundamental rights of European citizens.

After mass surveillance revelations, Europe calls for privacy
12 Mar 2014
After mass surveillance revelations, Europe calls for privacy

International Data Privacy Day: We remind the European Council of our rights

28 Jan 2014

Today we celebrated the 33rd International Data Privacy Day by reminding members of the Council of the E.U. representatives of their obligation to protect the rights of European citizens. We sent a letter, signed by several European and International NGOs, outlining the importance of the rights to privacy and data protection and urging them to reach a conclusion on the General Data Protection Regulation without any further delay.

International Data Privacy Day: We remind the European Council of our rights
28 Jan 2014
International Data Privacy Day: We remind the European Council of our rights

EP Inquiry presents its “plan for the future” to protect EU citizens against mass-surveillance

22 Jan 2014

On February 9th, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) presented its long-awaited draft report on the impact of mass surveillance programmes on the rights of European citizens.

EP Inquiry presents its “plan for the future” to protect EU citizens against mass-surveillance
22 Jan 2014
EP Inquiry presents its “plan for the future” to protect EU citizens against mass-surveillance

Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights

10 Dec 2013

On the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the celebration of UN Human Rights day, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon the importance of privacy and data protection as key pillars of healthy societies.

Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights
10 Dec 2013
Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights

Privacy under siege: Unprecedented lobby efforts against the Regulation are revealed

26 Feb 2013

As the European Parliament debates new data protection reforms,US technology companies have arrived in Brussels to commence an unprecedented lobbying effort aimed at preventing strong regulation and weakening existing standards. Most troublingly, some of the draft legislative proposals have been copied and pasted directly from lobbying documents, evidence of the immense influence of US giants like Google and Amazon on European policy.

Privacy under siege: Unprecedented lobby efforts against the Regulation are revealed
26 Feb 2013
Privacy under siege: Unprecedented lobby efforts against the Regulation are revealed