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Tag: Data Protection Reform

India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Access Now’s answers to the United Kingdom data protection reform consultation

21 Nov 2021
Access Now’s answers to the United Kingdom data protection reform consultation
21 Nov 2021
Access Now’s answers to the United Kingdom data protection reform consultation
Protección de datos personales: Recomendaciones para el nuevo proyecto de ley en Argentina

Guía para una ley de protección de datos personales en Bolivia

3 Apr 2019

Con la finalidad de promover el debate sobre la importancia de una ley de protección de datos personales para los bolivianos y bolivianas, Access Now, con la colaboración de Fundación Internet, elaboró una guía básica de recomendaciones y un análisis de la situación legislativa sobre el tema en el país.

Guía para una ley de protección de datos personales en Bolivia
3 Apr 2019
Guía para una ley de protección de datos personales en Bolivia

Foremost privacy experts convene for D.C.’s Data Privacy Summit

26 Mar 2019

Leading thinkers in law, technology, and policy will gather this week in Washington, D.C. to discuss how to protect privacy in the digital age.

Foremost privacy experts convene for D.C.’s Data Privacy Summit
26 Mar 2019
Foremost privacy experts convene for D.C.’s Data Privacy Summit

Help Brazilians win on data protection

23 Jul 2018

Stand with the people of Brazil by calling on President Temer to sign the General Data Protection Bill into law without any changes.

Help Brazilians win on data protection
23 Jul 2018
Help Brazilians win on data protection
Protección de datos personales: Recomendaciones para el nuevo proyecto de ley en Argentina

Protección de datos: ¿por qué es importante y cómo debes hacerlo?

7 May 2018

“La creación de un marco para la protección de datos: Una guía para los legisladores sobre qué hacer y qué no” comparte las lecciones obtenidas de la RGPD y destaca los problemas a tener en cuenta para la implementación de una norma de protección de datos.

Protección de datos: ¿por qué es importante y cómo debes hacerlo?
7 May 2018
Protección de datos: ¿por qué es importante y cómo debes hacerlo?
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Data protection in the United States: Where do we go from here?

23 Apr 2018

We need comprehensive, user-centered data protection, with laws and regulations that meet international human rights standards.

Data protection in the United States: Where do we go from here?
23 Apr 2018
Data protection in the United States: Where do we go from here?
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection

21 Mar 2018

It’s critically important to see the big picture of the scandal and work toward an online ecosystem that does not depend on harvesting users’ data instead of protecting it.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection
21 Mar 2018
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection

General Data Protection Regulation – what tidings do ye bring?

21 Dec 2015

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is here. We take a close look at the provisions and what the implications are for privacy in the E.U.

General Data Protection Regulation – what tidings do ye bring?
21 Dec 2015
General Data Protection Regulation – what tidings do ye bring?

Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet

8 Sep 2015

On Tuesday 22 September, Access will hold an apéro on the Future of the Internet where our Brussels team and civil society representatives will meet with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their staff.

Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet
8 Sep 2015
Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet

As Privacy Regulation moves to trialogue, Access Now warns of dangerous loopholes in Council text

15 Jun 2015

Access welcomes the much-anticipated decision of European Ministers in charge of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to conclude their position on this crucial reform and allow for the start of trialogue.

Press Release
As Privacy Regulation moves to trialogue, Access Now warns of dangerous loopholes in Council text
15 Jun 2015
As Privacy Regulation moves to trialogue, Access Now warns of dangerous loopholes in Council text