Tag: Data Protection Authorities

TikTok forced to pause plans for privacy-intrusive ads
TikTok has paused its plan to impose personalised ads on people in EEA, UK, and Switzerland, after Access Now told the company that it must scrap this action.

Four years of slow enforcement: a new EU law will save the GDPR
Access Now’s new report explains how the European Commission can save the GDPR — by introducing a supporting legislative act to bolster its application.

“Save the GDPR”: our message to the European Commission
The GDPR is at risk of failing due to slow and unequal enforcement. Access Now presents recommendations to the EU Commission to save the GDPR.

Policy brief: What’s wrong with Jordan’s data protection law and how to fix it
Jordan’s draft data protection law is promising, but it needs work to meet global standards. Our new policy brief explains how to strengthen the law.

Hogyan védheti adatait a GDPR-ral?
Azért készítettük el ezt az útmutatót az internet-felhasználók számára, hogy a joggyakorlási folyamatot mindenki számára hozzáféhetőbbé, könnyebbé tegyük.

Your data used against you: reports of manipulation on WhatsApp ahead of Brazil’s election
Ahead of presidential elections on Sunday, Brazil is experiencing a scandal involving misuse of data for political manipulation. How do we protect users’ rights and defend free democratic discourse?

The breachbook chronicles: FAQ on Facebook’s latest privacy debacle
Here’s what you should know about the latest Facebook breach, and what the company should do now to restore trust.

Brazil president approves data protection bill — but vetoes key accountability measures
President Temer signed Brazil’s first piece of data protection legislation into law — but only after vetoing important provisions aimed at holding data processors accountable and ensuring the law is effectively implemented.

Access Now’s submission to the ICDPPC public consultation

Protección de datos: ¿por qué es importante y cómo debes hacerlo?
“La creación de un marco para la protección de datos: Una guía para los legisladores sobre qué hacer y qué no” comparte las lecciones obtenidas de la RGPD y destaca los problemas a tener en cuenta para la implementación de una norma de protección de datos.