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Tag: data protection

Private tech, humanitarian problems: how to ensure digital transformation does no harm

Private tech, humanitarian problems: how to ensure digital transformation does no harm

13 Feb 2024

Our new report, Mapping Humanitarian Tech: exposing protection gaps in digital transformation programmes, examines how humanitarian-tech partnerships impact people and communities at risk.

Private tech, humanitarian problems: how to ensure digital transformation does no harm
13 Feb 2024
Private tech, humanitarian problems: how to ensure digital transformation does no harm
Key issues in data protection framework in Africa event header

Report examines state of African nations’ data protection laws, implementation efforts

1 Feb 2024
Report examines state of African nations’ data protection laws, implementation efforts
International Association of Privacy Professionals ↗
1 Feb 2024
Report examines state of African nations’ data protection laws, implementation efforts
Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights

مخاوف من سوء استغلال بيانات بطاقة التعريف البيومترية، حوار مع شريف القاضي

10 Jan 2024
مخاوف من سوء استغلال بيانات بطاقة التعريف البيومترية، حوار مع شريف القاضي
Nawaat ↗
10 Jan 2024
مخاوف من سوء استغلال بيانات بطاقة التعريف البيومترية، حوار مع شريف القاضي
Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights PR header

جدل حول بطاقات الهوية البيومترية

5 Jan 2024
جدل حول بطاقات الهوية البيومترية
Africa Press ↗
5 Jan 2024
جدل حول بطاقات الهوية البيومترية
Press under Attack – Digital Strategies to Intimidate Journalists in Latin America

Privacidad, la aliada silenciosa de las personas migrantes

21 Dec 2023
Privacidad, la aliada silenciosa de las personas migrantes
Confidencial ↗
21 Dec 2023
Privacidad, la aliada silenciosa de las personas migrantes
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill

Cambodia’s draft data protection law fans fears of government abuse

8 Dec 2023
Cambodia’s draft data protection law fans fears of government abuse
Nikkei ↗
8 Dec 2023
Cambodia’s draft data protection law fans fears of government abuse
India’s Telecommunications Bill, 2023 threatens open, secure, and unhindered internet access.

Draft Data Protection Act: cabinet okays it giving free rein to law enforcers

28 Nov 2023
Draft Data Protection Act: cabinet okays it giving free rein to law enforcers
The Daily Star ↗
28 Nov 2023
Draft Data Protection Act: cabinet okays it giving free rein to law enforcers
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023

3 Nov 2023

Access Now and Tech Global Institute’s submission on Bangladesh’s latest draft of the Data Protection Act, 2023.

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
3 Nov 2023
Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill

Rights groups say Jordan’s data protection law raise privacy concerns

21 Sep 2023
Rights groups say Jordan’s data protection law raise privacy concerns
The New Arab ↗
21 Sep 2023
Rights groups say Jordan’s data protection law raise privacy concerns

Jordan passes flawed data protection law

20 Sep 2023

Jordan has finally passed a data protection law. However, the text still ignores major shortcomings.

Press Release
Jordan passes flawed data protection law
20 Sep 2023
Jordan passes flawed data protection law