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Tag: Data privacy

Global encryption day 2023

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards

22 Dec 2023

Access Now recommends eSafety Office against mandating online communication services, as well as file storage and cloud services, to proactively detect content on their platforms.

Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
22 Dec 2023
Submission to eSafety Commissioner, Australia on the draft Online Safety Industry Standards
Global encryption day 2023

These safety standards lack safeguards: Australia must protect encryption

20 Dec 2023

Through an open letter, over 600 signatories are urging the eSafety Commissioner to introduce safeguards fo encrypted services in the Online Safety Codes.

Press Release
These safety standards lack safeguards: Australia must protect encryption
20 Dec 2023
These safety standards lack safeguards: Australia must protect encryption
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023

3 Nov 2023

Access Now and Tech Global Institute’s submission on Bangladesh’s latest draft of the Data Protection Act, 2023.

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
3 Nov 2023
Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

G-7 privacy regulators aim to ease turbulent international data flows

9 Sep 2022
G-7 privacy regulators aim to ease turbulent international data flows
9 Sep 2022
G-7 privacy regulators aim to ease turbulent international data flows
Digital rights

Access Now’s statement on Myanmar during the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar’s Oral Progress Report

1 Jul 2022
Access Now’s statement on Myanmar during the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar’s Oral Progress Report
1 Jul 2022
Access Now’s statement on Myanmar during the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar’s Oral Progress Report

Empty promises? Declaration for Future of the Internet is nice on paper

28 Apr 2022

The Declaration for the Future of the Internet makes a lot of big promises — Will States follow through on their commitments?

Press Release
Empty promises? Declaration for Future of the Internet is nice on paper
28 Apr 2022
Empty promises? Declaration for Future of the Internet is nice on paper
Digital rights

Access Now’s statement on Myanmar at the U.N. Human Rights Council

23 Mar 2022

Myanmar’s military is engaged in a digital coup, and the international community must act. We spoke at the United Nations on Myanmar during the 49th session of the Human Rights Council to offer our recommendations.

Access Now’s statement on Myanmar at the U.N. Human Rights Council
23 Mar 2022
Access Now’s statement on Myanmar at the U.N. Human Rights Council
Image: Philippine SIM card registration law

Veto the SIM Card Registration Bill, Protect Fundamental Human Rights

18 Feb 2022

Civil society calls on Philippine president Duterte to veto the mandatory sim card registration bill.

Press Release
Veto the SIM Card Registration Bill, Protect Fundamental Human Rights
18 Feb 2022
Veto the SIM Card Registration Bill, Protect Fundamental Human Rights
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

The whole world’s watching: resist Myanmar’s digital coup

8 Feb 2022

Civil society is calling on the international community to stand with the people of Myanmar and resist the coup — both physical and digital.

Press Release
The whole world’s watching: resist Myanmar’s digital coup
8 Feb 2022
The whole world’s watching: resist Myanmar’s digital coup

Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning

3 Sep 2021

Apple’s plan to implement client-side scanning is not a viable or proportionate solution to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) online. The plan circumvents end-to-end encryption and puts everyone’s privacy and security at risk by reducing individuals’ control over their own devices.

Press Release
Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning
3 Sep 2021
Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning