Tag: Data Localization

Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
Viet Nam’s Identity Verification Mandate will Violate International Human Rights.

Control de internet en su máxima expresión: Decreto 370 de Cuba
El Decreto 370 en Cuba pone en riesgo derechos humanos fundamentales relacionados al uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación.

UPR review: Access Now and ARTICLE 19 highlight threats to digital rights in Iran
For Iran’s third review, Access Now and ARTICLE 19 submitted documentation of the threats to access to information, data protection, and freedom of expression.

How to win government policy and influence the internet
We’ve submitted comments to the U.S. agency NTIA to help guide its international agenda for the internet. Here’s how and why.

A closer look at China’s Cybersecurity Law — cybersecurity, or something else?
The law not only undermines human rights, it is likely to make China’s internet less secure.

Access Now testimony before EESC on “Exchanging and Protecting Personal Data in a Globalized World”
When data travels, protection should travel with it. Easier said than done; in reality legal protections don’t travel with us, let alone our personal data.

MLAT Reform and MLAT Bypasses
This one-pager addresses how to reform MLATs and create MLAT bypasses without sacrificing rights.

A diagnosis: Why current proposals to fix the MLAT system won’t work
A “bypass” operation for MLATs won’t save the patient (or protect human rights).