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Tag: Data Governance Act

India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

EU Data Governance Act: Access Now’s position

30 Jan 2021
EU Data Governance Act: Access Now’s position
30 Jan 2021
EU Data Governance Act: Access Now’s position

Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2021?

26 Jan 2021
Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2021?
26 Jan 2021
Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2021?
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

The EU Wants ‘Data Intermediaries’ As An Alternative to Big Tech Platforms

30 Nov 2020
The EU Wants ‘Data Intermediaries’ As An Alternative to Big Tech Platforms
30 Nov 2020
The EU Wants ‘Data Intermediaries’ As An Alternative to Big Tech Platforms
European Ombudsman surveillance

EU’s ‘alternative model’ seeks to take back control of data from Big Tech

26 Nov 2020
EU’s ‘alternative model’ seeks to take back control of data from Big Tech
26 Nov 2020
EU’s ‘alternative model’ seeks to take back control of data from Big Tech

Kritik am EU Data Governance Act

26 Nov 2020
Kritik am EU Data Governance Act
26 Nov 2020
Kritik am EU Data Governance Act
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

EU möchte europäische Datenräume schaffen

25 Nov 2020
EU möchte europäische Datenräume schaffen
25 Nov 2020
EU möchte europäische Datenräume schaffen
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection

20 Nov 2020

As the European Union finalises new digital-era laws, its legacy of world-leading privacy and data protection is at stake. The European Commission will kick off the introduction of landmark legislative proposals that have implications for the future of the General Data Protection Regulation and the rights this flagship law protects.

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection
20 Nov 2020
New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection