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Tag: cyber surveillance


Democracy needs privacy: ban rights-violating spyware in India now 

31 Oct 2023

India must implement a ban on the use of rights-abusing commercial spyware and make a commitment to reform the country’s surveillance laws.

Press Release
Democracy needs privacy: ban rights-violating spyware in India now 
31 Oct 2023
Democracy needs privacy: ban rights-violating spyware in India now 
Digital rights

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers

7 Jul 2021

Digital surveillance is threatening the right to protest worldwide. U.N. human rights expert Clément Voule is fighting for strong encryption and tight restrictions on the use of spyware. Here’s why that push is important for human rights lawyers and the activists they represent.

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
7 Jul 2021
At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
NSO Group human rights

New EU dual use export control rules finally adopted, but leave a lot of room for improvement

25 Mar 2021

After years of review, the EU Parliament finally adopted new export controls for dual use tools enabling surveillance and censorship. But it’s not enough.

Press Release
New EU dual use export control rules finally adopted, but leave a lot of room for improvement
25 Mar 2021
New EU dual use export control rules finally adopted, but leave a lot of room for improvement

Bipartisan bill would help domestic abuse survivors bypass mobile surveillance

1 Feb 2021
Bipartisan bill would help domestic abuse survivors bypass mobile surveillance
1 Feb 2021
Bipartisan bill would help domestic abuse survivors bypass mobile surveillance
|Image: surveillance cameras on the street.

Commission urged not to backtrack on EU spyware rules

9 Jun 2020
Commission urged not to backtrack on EU spyware rules
9 Jun 2020
Commission urged not to backtrack on EU spyware rules

Coronavirus: Israel cabinet limits cellphone surveillance to ‘special cases’

24 May 2020
Coronavirus: Israel cabinet limits cellphone surveillance to ‘special cases’
24 May 2020
Coronavirus: Israel cabinet limits cellphone surveillance to ‘special cases’

Search Results Web results NCAC Urges Speaker Pelosi to Support Critical Change to Patriot Act

18 May 2020
Search Results Web results NCAC Urges Speaker Pelosi to Support Critical Change to Patriot Act
18 May 2020
Search Results Web results NCAC Urges Speaker Pelosi to Support Critical Change to Patriot Act

Ban biometric mass surveillance

13 May 2020
Ban biometric mass surveillance
13 May 2020
Ban biometric mass surveillance

The Pandemic Surveillance State

8 May 2020
The Pandemic Surveillance State
8 May 2020
The Pandemic Surveillance State

Egypt: more than 500 sites blocked ahead of the presidential election

14 Mar 2018

Egypt’s severe online censorship and crackdown on civil society threatens human rights during the election period.

Egypt: more than 500 sites blocked ahead of the presidential election
14 Mar 2018
Egypt: more than 500 sites blocked ahead of the presidential election