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Tag: Crypto Wars

Testimony before the Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

11 May 2018

We told members of Australia’s parliament that encryption is central to protection for human rights, the digital economy, and the preservation of cybersecurity.

Testimony before the Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement
11 May 2018
Testimony before the Parliament of Australia: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Closing the backdoor to Australia

27 Sep 2017

No government should make it any easier to breach encrypted systems.

Closing the backdoor to Australia
27 Sep 2017
Closing the backdoor to Australia

Tales from the crypto

1 Jun 2016

The dangerous Burr/Feinstein anti-security bill appears to be dead — at least for this year.

Tales from the crypto
1 Jun 2016
Tales from the crypto

McCaul’s Crypto Commission: First, do no harm

2 Mar 2016

However well-intended, a new Congressional commission on encryption may do more harm than good.

McCaul’s Crypto Commission: First, do no harm
2 Mar 2016
McCaul’s Crypto Commission: First, do no harm

The White House wants to hear from you!

11 Dec 2015

The Save Crypto petition got 100,000+ signatures asking President Obama to stand up for strong encryption. Now the White House wants to hear from YOU about why YOU support encryption.

The White House wants to hear from you!
11 Dec 2015
The White House wants to hear from you!