Tag: Countering Violent Extremism Online

Access Now: Christchurch Call emphasizes human rights, but needs meaningful participation and transparency for rights-respecting outcome
Any attempt to set policies or binding regulations that impact online speech will be successful only if it is truly inclusive and genuinely garners insight and expertise from civil society.

Access Now on the Christchurch Call: rights, wrongs, and what’s next
Governments and tech companies have published the Christchurch Call with the aim of eliminating violent and extremist content online. Civil society needs to be a central part of crafting a rights-respecting implementation.

Access Now calls on Trump administration not to focus anti-extremism programs on Islam
Discrimination against a single religious group violates the U.S. Constitution and international human rights obligations.

Companies that partner to counter “violent extremism” online must also collaborate to respect rights
Tech companies should not address the problem of “terrorist” content through private enforcement schemes that fail to meet human rights standards.

Beware: countering “violent extremism” online risks human rights
However well-intentioned, CVE proposals are a minefield for human rights.

A Digital Rights Approach to Proposals for Preventing or Countering Violent Extremism Online
A guide to evaluating CVE proposals to respect human rights.